Severe shoulder pain

I’ve been doing water aerobics 2-3 x a week since July. I actually started teaching it about 3 weeks ago. Monday my right shoulder started throbbing, then my left shoulder Wed. And now they’re both super painful.

A friend who has bursitis described that pain to me which it seems very similar to - it definitely feels like it’s in the actual joint area and kind of radiating out. I got someone to cover my Monday class for me and I’ve been doing ice/heating pad alternating. I can’t take NSAIDs so I’ve been doing salaonpas patches and biofreeze -all of those things do help, although temporarily.

Does anyone have experience with this and fibro? My fear is that it won’t go away. All of the things I’ve experienced over the last year or so just kind of sticks around. Right now my arms are incredibly weak. I hate that fear and overreaction but I can’t count on my body for almost anything anymore.

Anyone have any extra tips?

Hello, yes I have a similar problem whenever I try to reach my arms above my head. I get pain radiating from my neck down my arm. I typically head to the chiropractor and he is able to help with stretching my neck. It takes twice as long for me to get the pain to settle down now that I have fibro. I would keep doing what you are doing. Also maybe consider physical therapy for your shoulders? I have learned many useful stretches to keep my neck stronger so it’s not in pain as much.
Good luck!

I have had severe shoulder pain starting with a dance class that I took. I thought it was FM but after a few long hard months I brought it up to my Rheumatologist. He did x rays and found out that I have osteoarthritis in my shoulders. It hurts the most when I lift my arms above my head or over work the area. I would suggest that you see your doctor and get thoroughly checked out.