Very Emotional

I’ve been incredibly emotional lately. I have cried over some of the silliest things, and get irritated over little things that shouldn’t matter. I’m new to this and have always been able to handle my emotions well. I know depression is often a symptom of Fibromyalgia, but I’m not sure if that’s what this is or if I’m just emotional because of lack of sleep (I got about an hour and a half last night).


I know exactly what you are going thru. I have my days like this too. Somedays it is so much of a roller coaster that you just want to lay in bed and curl up. When you go thru these emotional times it can takes it toll on you. I am also bipolar along with having Fibro. You hang in there cause you are not alone. You have all of us here to be your support. Lots of hugs going your way.

Hi, I know how you feel. I was super emotional and short tempered yesterday. For me, I know lack of sleep contributes to it. And I think the ideas offered here by others are great. Hugs.

I would say it is both..please make sure to talk to your Dr. about this... do not just brush it off... your mental health is very important!!!

I am sorry that you are feeling all over the place. Make sure you check in with your doc. Medication management is really important, especially when you’re showing some classic fibro symptoms: sleep disturbance, and depression. And, both of the can be treated and managed well. :slight_smile: Until you can get an appt., just be kind to yourself. Try a warm bath with scented Epsom salts just before bed. This helps with pain and is very relaxing. It helps with three things: pain, sleep, and can make you feel good all around. You can find it with lavender scent pretty readily.

Take care of you and I hope you feel better soon!

Thanks everyone. I’m in a better mood today, but still can tell I could easily have a good cry. I’m going to see the doctor on Monday and will talk to him then about all of this. My regular doctor has me going to an Internal Medicine doctor Monday and hopefully he can help me get everything back on the right track.

I really appreciate all of the kind words, tips, and encouragement from you all.

I know that when I go through several nights with little sleep or disturbed sleep I tend be be on edge during that time, my emotions will be all over the place ... I am also going through perimenopause which tends to intensify things.

Sometimes just the stress of dealing with this disease can throw your emotions out of whack too. Hope you feel better soon.

I would suggest you see a your homework on the Dr. you choose make sure they treat Fibro. Finding Dr.s that are Fibro. friendly can be a task but they are out their...I do hope you find time to relax and get some sleep... lack of sleep makes the fibro. worse. This can be controlled with meds. well at least for me it has been... the pain level is greatly diminished although still there but very manageable... My sleep is better thanks to Trazodone... Good luck and keep us informed as to what they are doing for you.

HUGGS, Belinda