Weather affecting pain

One thing I do find very strange is that I appear to get worse before we get a really hot sunny day. This is the only time my wife likes me feeling worse than usual!!!! Not the pain she likes but she knows that the day after is usually a really nice day. Weird I know. Bu tha cahing intensifies, the fatigue is worse.

Friends call me a weather predictor!!!

Don;t know if anyone else gets this.

Yes, the air pressure has something to do about us. When the barometer starts moving up or down is a precursor for pain. Usu for me it is when the barometer goes down then it will rain or snow, that's when I start to move carefully & watch where my feet go. M

Wow so its not just me. Thanks Luna01

Hi Wayne,

I've noticed this as well, but my pain usually increases if it is a really humid, rainy day. The rain seems to effect my joints and my pain increases. I have heard from other members and talking with people, that weather can greatly effect our symptoms and how we feel. I also cannot tolerate a hot day. If I get too warm or overheated, my pain, fatigue and general mood take a dive for the worse. I have found that keeping the house at a neutral temperature and having the ability to control the humidity has helped. My husband and I keep our air conditioner in the house about 5-6 months yearly. Even on the lower temperature days, it can be very humid and keeping your environment cooler or less humid can help a lot.



I guess I am just backwards - for me winter is terrible. I have been feeling a bit better lately as the weather improves - we have had an unseasonably mild April...but lately thundershowers & sporadic rains have been happening & that is killing me !! The pressure changes truly are killer...the joint pain flares bit time and the fatigue follows. FWIW, it doesn't get too terribly hot where I live though.

Anyone notice that changes in elevation also have such an effect ??? When we travel to family we go through a mountain pass, or two depending on where we are going. Very painful...needles in my joints...ugh.

Thank you for bringing this up. I am sensitive to temperature changes, humidity, rain etc. the big one for me is heat. it makes me sick, flare and pain much worse. I have had a seizure on very hot day. I think changes in elevation affects many of us, it makes sense. good wishes to all.

I guess misery loves company...or maybe we just feel a bit comforted finding folks who understand how we feel !

Today the temperature is 0 Celsuis (water freezes at 0). It's snowing...yeah, white outside. A week ago it was 20 C - very nice, sat out on the deck. I brought my computer to bed - this type of weather just plain hurts. In two days it will be 19 C.........what a rollercoaster ride....can pretty much write the whole week off.