I have found that it does help me to be on a gluten, sugar, wheat and dairy
Dairy free diet. No empty carbs! I take curemin or turmeric for inflamation
I do organic coconut oil daily and cook with it. Also use as oil wick-
Ing. I drink only water or my homemade detox water. I cup of coffee
Daily. No white starches. I can feel the pain worsen if I eat unhealthy.
I want to feel good and hope one day to be able to work again. I also
Do homemade smoothies that have kale, spinach, avacado, Apple,
Yogurt, whey protein, wheat grass, chia and honey. Only use honey
Or Stevia for sweeteners when I must have some. Everyone with any
Illness or not should start being good to our bodies. Good luck
Everyone and have a good night and a good Sunday. One more day
and I see the neurosurgeon. Have no idea what to expect. Also just
Started on new med, Plaquenil. Anyone else on that? Soft hugs to all
Of you who suffer with pain.