What are Your Good & Bad Foods for Fibro

I have recently (since Oct 13) been having severe fibro symptoms so I brought my allergies, etc. into it with me. Having said that, I was having GERD so bad it was causing esophageal spasms and that feels like a heart attack. The pain is so intense, different pain than fibro but worse on the pain scale, at least for me. Anyway, I decided to go dairy free because I kept reading that it can increase or cause those symptoms. I was reluctant, I LOVE my latte's and ice cream (natural organic) BUT I finally tried it anyway. I have to say my GERD symptoms have improved by about 85%. My doctor was really impressed.

I was diagnosed way back I think about 1999 with gluten/wheat intolerance so I have been gluten free since that meant eating bread the consistency of cardboard and it tasted about that bad too. It's been such a relief to start getting brands out there that are only gluten free. My favorite is UDIs, but I don't know how widespread that brand is. There are a lot of others out there too.

I never use the sweeteners, I find I can't digest them and they give me symptoms similar to the wheat/dairy intolerance. (you don't want to know)... I'm not ready to go meat free though. I get mine locally grown, organic, nitrate-free, non antibiotic, so I have to hope that it's better for fibro too.

Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
