What meds work

Hi all!!! I am seeing my doc tomorrow , I am currently on cymbalta and it is so expensive until I go through my deductible…so I am wondering what else there is and any recommendations.

Well, you could go to the Cymbalta's parent company's website and see if they offer it for free for those with income restrictions. A lot of drug companies do. Go here to see what's available through them:


The parent company, Eli Lily, offers a 30 day trial of Cymbalta:


I found a site that professes to offer a month of Cymbalta for free. I don't know if the site is legitimate or not but have enclosed it for you. You could ask at your local drug store, showing it and seeing if they'd take it. This is the site:


If none of this is an option, then I would suggest trying Lyrica. It's what I take and does help contain some of the pain. I know I feel much worse when I don't take it. Some folks take Gabapentin, which is a cheaper cousin of Lyrica, and it did work for me but I couldn't take it as it gave me bad headaches.

Hope some of this is helpful for you. Finding the right meds is hard, and so is paying for them. Good luck to you.



Hi Deej, I don’t take cymbalta, but I do know if you have found something that helps I would stick with it, I know some pharmacy’s have discount prices for those of us that have to pay, also as Petunia has suggested notify the drug company for ans. to how you can pay for this. I take Savella and that’s expensive also.
Hugs & blessings

Have you asked your pharmacist for the generic alternative? Most drugs have one. Good luck, Charlie :)

Cymbalta doesnot have a generic yet!!!

So she took me off cymbalta and put me on amatriptaline… Anyone else on this?

I take amitryptiline, it doesn't help with the pain suffered during the day much, but at the right dose, my sleep is very good which in turn lessens the overall pain.

Good luck!


thanks…i have noticed ive been sleeping better

I'm on amytripyilene, it helps me sleep. (unless pain is bad). Charlie :)

Cheers, Charlie. I usually sleep like a baby with my Amitryptiline unless I have really bad anxiety or stress about the next day at work. I try to meditate when my anxiety over work is high, so I don't have a bad night's sleep and then later a bad day's worth of pain. ;)
