Just a quick note to highlight for writers and aspiring writers a Group has been set up as a
Place to exchange information and ideas on writing, tools, outlines, story boards, research methods, publishing etc.
Great group idea, you should have a nice response to this group! I featured and broadcasted this to all members, to get the word out for you!
I consider myself a "starter level" writer XD
though, I've never written anything concerning fibro and till now I've only written fanfics (using characters that don't belong to me) but I'd really love getting feedback and help with improving my writing style!
Hey, I love doing fanfic too. What are your fandoms? Lately, I've been writing Supernatural, but I used to do a ton of Harry Potter, Stargate: Atlantis, and some occasional X-Men(the movies).
fanfic is a new one on me, I'll have to check it out!
This is great. I used to write a whole bunch up until a few years ago. I wrote a ton of poems about fibro and pain but didn't have the audience for those subjects and so only got a little feedback from a few of my "friends in gentle hugs". Perhaps I'll dig out a few from the archives and see what ya'll think. I am new to here and so none of you know me but I suppose that doesn't matter much. We all understand the beast here. Again, great idea. This makes me smile for today.
PeacenLove Always~Laurel
Hi Laurel!
Welcome aboard! Indeed we do understand the beast! I just read your profile, and you have had this for a very long time, there are a few other women in the group who were diagnosed with this back when it was referred to as 'Fiborsitis' Surely you have much to share with us!
We have over 40 sub-groups you can access at the top of page under 'groups'.
Glad to hear from you, and nice to meet you, BTW, we're the same age, out of the same era! Look out! ha~
As an author, of course I love this idea. One of my past books was "Thriving with Your Autoimmune Disorder: A Woman's Mind-body Guide" which included a chapter on Fibro and one on CFIDS/ME. I included them in the book because so many with Fibro also have autoimmune disorders (as do I). The techniques presented range from dealing with the pain to coping with loss and change to modifying distress producing thinking and follows a holistic model. I've also written a number of articles on Fibro because I am the writer for www.TheFibromyalgiaDigest.com which provides a great deal of info for our members and people seeking social security disability who have Fibro.
I'd love to help anyone who is interested in writing and am also looking to learn from those more experienced than I. My third book which will be about using cutting edge techniques and neuroscience principles in dealing with a range of emotional and physical difficulties will be out in several months. I'll let you all know.
Thanks for being there everybody. You are all a great system of social support.
Dr. Simone Ravicz
This is wonderful - so glad to see this here. Writing can be so theraputic for us all. I consider myself to be a want-a-be writer and I write short stories and articles. It is so awesome that we can help each other by writing about our tears and our joys. Thanks so much for starting this group!!
Yes, Linnie, you're one of our best bloggers! Go for it, should be a good group!
Thanks so much!!! You are wonderful!
My current fandom is Invader Zim (a 2001 cartoon show), before that, it was Star Ocean 3 and Yu Yu Hakusho (I'm more into games/anime XD ) also, I write slash .///.
Thank you I have signed up. barb
Hi! I'm new to this group I love to read and have two books published. One is a poetry book and the other, Living in the Theater of the Absurd, is about daily living with chronic illness. The doctor gives us a diagnosis and a prescription, but he doesn't empty the dishwasher! I have written serious info in a humorous context to help provide solutions to everyday tasks and find an attitude that leads to victorious living. Let me know if you want to know more about it.
Susan (Scribelle)
move to front page
I have used fanstory to get feedback. Also magazines on writing and their online sites have wonderful info. Also online are writer's circles in which each one helps the other. With writer's circles, however, you have to be careful to find one that is polite and supportive. If one circle doesn't fit you, or if it makes you uncomfortable, there are many other writer's circles out there!
What do you mean? Move to my front page?
Any response will move a post to the front page, some just write 'bump'. You can take any discussion, no matter how far back in the archives and with even one stroke of the key, move it to the front page. The most used discussions is 'help for low income Americans'. You can use the search engine at the top page of the discussions page, type this in, and by writing a response, move it to the top discussion on the first page.
Have any of you read Living in the Theater of the Absurd? All feedback appreciated. If you truly cannot afford a copy, message me and let me know your situation. The information can help you get through daily life.