
Question Time?
Since this illness my body and senses had change a lot, but my question is: Is your sense of smell worst since Fibromyalgia ? How sensitive is your nose when it comes to strong smells? And sometimes “You think that you are stinky”?

My husband think that I’m going crazy sometimes, that it’s just me. But I wonder it’s just me or fibromyalgia it’s doing this to me.
Any replied will be appreciate it. Thanks.


This sounds so like fibro. I experience similar reactions. It’s like all my senses are heightened. Strong smells; perfume, cigarette smoke, bathroom sprays to name a few actually make me nauseous. I tuck my nose in my shirt a fair amount or try to breath through my mouth so it’s not so obvious to others, so I hope, lol. Sometimes the smell is so intense it makes me irritable, too. I have the same reaction with too much noise or garish lights. Needless to say I don’t go to fairs, lol! I totally think this is fibro that is causing your heightened senses. You are in good company.

I'm so glad to read these replys. Thank you for asking Yndidav. We're not crazy! I'm always cleaning because I always smell something bad or rotted. Lately I've started putting Vicks under my nose. I'll try the candle too. When I was diagnosed I thought I was having a nervous breakdown. I couldn't stand bright lights or loud noises even bright colors bothered me. My husband made an appointment with a psychiatrist. Now I can laugh about it. Be well.

Ahhhhh! I feel so happy to hear this and I know that sounds funny. I have had noise intolerance, olfactory hallucinations of hot ovens and cigarette smoke, taste in food changes, and I find out others with Fibro have also. It feels so wonderful to know one is not alone. Not that any of this helps you in the least. ;)

P.S. You're not going crazy!

Thanks heaven. It helps to know I’m not alone.
Thanks everyone for each of your replies.

Hi Yndira,

I'm gonna take a guess and say its the fibro. hahahah No seriously - I know that many of us with fibro are very sensitive to smells. For me, there are days where I swear I am on a heightened sense of smell and I absolutely cannot stand the smell of some things. I was at the store yesterday and I kept smelling this overpowering flowery smell. It was driving me crazy. Some days are better than others and luckily for me I truly only get this some of the time. You aren't alone.