Alone, scared, and frustrated

I was diagnosed with fibro about 1 1/2 years ago. Since then it has been a battle to find doctors that will help me, friends and family who support me, and some joy in my life. As each miserable day goes by it becomes harder and harder to keep going. I just want to curl up in a ball and hide from the world.
I can’t work. The only people around me are my girlfriend and her 2 young children, and she goes back and forth on wether or not I am sick or not. I’m sick of feeling alone, always being in pain, and not knowing where to turn for help and support.
I just needed to vent and maybe some feedback. I hate this “syndrome”.

You are not alone and venting is good for us keeping things inside can lead to depression. Have you taken your girlfriend to the doctor with you or has she read anything on fibro sometimes people need to be educated to understand better. Therapist trained in chronic illness can help us deal with the depression of fibro it is hard to redo your whole life and a just to daily living. Most mental health centers see you based on income. Finding the right doctors and medications seems to be a big problem and sometimes we have to switch doctors to find one that works for us. I hope you are better soon.

I totally get where you're coming from. Sometimes my own husband experiences resentment towards me. I try to get him to talk about it and admit that even though he loves me, he's entitled to feel the way he feels. Fibro is such a misunderstood condition. Often times the only sympathy/compassion we receive is based on how we "look". We don't look sick, so we must not be! I hate that!! Venting is totally allowed here :)

Welcome to our site, QBall I'm sorry you've got fibro and I think we all can relate to hating fibro!

I have a suggestion for you: have your girlfriend read some of our conversations so she can see how much fibro affects other people, It has opened the eyes of other skeptical Significant Others. If you don't think you can get her to come here, print out a few pages and show them to her. It might help her to realize that many other people suffer from fibro and feel just like you do about it!

And venting is good for you. How on earth can you - or anyone else - deal with fibro on their own? And without ranting? No one can do that!

And you're no longer alone because you're here and we believe you. Please don't hesitate to let us know how you're feeling. We can handle it. We've said the same things you've said. Ha ha, and then some, lol!

Gentle hugs,


I hope that reading through all of these pages, that you can find comfort, and come to realize that you are not alone anymore. Though it may just be the women who are responding, we have more and more men here. As a matter of fact, we have a men's group that may interest you, even though it's the same illness, it may affect you guys a little differently, and give you a chance to get to know them.

Good to hear from you!

Wishing you well,


I see that you are already a member there!