Anxiety causing Fibromyalgia?

Hi everyone -

For the most part I have my pain under control from this FDA approved heat therapy mat that I have been sleeping in since November. I went from pain 24/7 to flare ups only around my period. Since I have been able to get the pain under control, I’ve realized some other things. I can’t stop squeezing or clenching everywhere throughout my body. I noticed it before but now that the pain is gone and I’m not focusing on that, I’ve realized how tense I am. I do this 24/7… While talking to people, eating, taking the train, taking a shower, working, etc. has anyone else noticed this? I’m not on any medication. I was on 30mg of cymbalta but realized the heat therapy alone was taking care of my fibromyalgia pain. I’m 28 years old and ive had it since I started my career at 24. I’m very concerned about this because the anxiety and muscle clenching is making me very sick, exhausted and having panic attacks. I’m staying home from work today to find a doctor to either prescribe something for me to relax or write me a doctors note for a leave of absence from work because Im to the pint where I can’t do it anymore. I need a serious break. Thoughts anyone? Can anyone else relate? I’m beginning to think the anxiety and muscle clenching is the root of the fibromyalgia.


I've noticed the exact same thing. I don't know why I started paying attention to it but I'm tensing my muscles all the time. I noticed it when I was trying to go to sleep. I was so tired and wondered why everything was so tense. I try to focus on loosening up my muscles but it's a constant battle. I'm on 40mg of prozac for anxiety and I don't even feel like it's working. I feel like I am constantly stressed and that's why my muscles are so tight all the time. I don't know what to do for this anymore. I'm tired and in pain and frustrated.


this is interesting - I have a great deal of trouble relaxing my muscles. My PT is constantly reminding me to relax. It's so difficult. I would like to know more about the therapy mat. The only concern I have is the heat. I have Reynods Syndrome and I'm very sensitive to hot and cold temps - mostly to heat. I can tolerate icepacks but only for short periods. I don't think I could sleep on anything hot. I don't know if this "muscle clenching" is the root of fibro but I agree it is something I experience. I stand under the shower and totally relax my muscles and it feels so good.

I just saw a doctor who thinks I have a seperate sleeping disorder from FM.
I can’get a sleep study or sleep meds.
He has me on paxil for panic attacks.Mobic for pain.Found a place that fills them
for around 4.00 each.For a months supply.
I was told in the past by my dentist that I grind my teeth in my sleep.
Even if you lower your pain you will still see other symptoms.Probably more.
I wish I could take a leave from work but I can’t.I am not on disability.
If you can take a leave from work.
Were any of your doctors Rheumatologists?

I also noticed the same exact thing. I will be just be sitting in front of the computer, in the car, anywhere really---with my entire body on lock-down. When I do realize it, I'll relax, only to "clench" up again 10 seconds later. I do have anxiety issues and take Klonopin, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. It's just like something I do subconsciously, and I'd love to know why too--it's exhausting after a while.
Also, I've broken most of my teeth because I "clench" them--not even at night, all day. I'm sure that's related too.


A Rheumatologist is the Fibro specialist. So if that's where you're headed next, that's great. Did they happen to mention what sort of sleeping disorder? Sleep Apnea maybe?


I used to have this experience as well. I am very fortunate to have a Osteopathic MD who specializes in pain management . He believes that these symptoms are caused by mechanical dysfunction of the skeleton which causes a disorder in proprioception. He does osteopathic manipulation as well as prescribing pain meds and muscle relaxants. In this past year, my daughter and I were diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility Type which is a genetic disorder of the connective tissue which causes loose joints. It causes all of the symptoms of the Fibromyalgia but most distictively disordered proprioception. Unfortunately, the research on this shows that the best pain relief and muscle relaxation is medical marijuana which is not legal where I live. I have now had 4 doctors tell me this would be the best treatment. When in a state where it is legal I have tried it and the relief of pain and relaxing of my muscles was instantaneous. This probably isn’t too helpful but I would encourage you to research Ehlers Danlos Hypermobility Type. It has to be diagnosed by a geneticist.

Renie.I was to the Rheumatologist years ago.2005 was the last year I was covered by ins.
I have no health ins now.
He wanted the sleep study to find out which disorder I might have.
That still does not explain the rashes etc.I still believe I have the FM.
The only place I can go now is a free clinic.

well, FM causes sleep really, I guess, taking the test would be worthless--and a lot of money out of pocket. As long as the rash isn't across your cheeks, it's normal. Must be so irritating though!

I know how you feel, I will be losing my insurance within the next few months. Everything I've looked at starts at about $3000 a month for me and my husband, and it's all really high deductibles, and the prescription plan is sketchy. The government better get moving with their "healthcare reform", or every single one of us is gonna be in a mess !

That's something I do as well. When I go to get my manicure and pedicure they have to keep tapping my feet and hands for me to relax and unstiffen my muscles. I have to really concentrate so I won't tense up so bad. Sometimes I can be just doing nothing but my body is tense like it is in danger or expecting something to happen.

Renie.It seemed like this doctor didn’t believe the FM diagnoses. That’s why he wanted the sleep study.
It would pinpoint which sleep disorder I had.If any.
Going without ins sucks.I can’t afford it.This new plan they are talking about from what I understand is everyone
paying for it themselves.
Guess we all have to go to jail or Canada.
If I am careful with cleaning products its not a problem.But the one recurring on my leg itches to the bone.
Nothing helps the itch either.

Whether or not you have the pain under control, which is so wonderful, you still have fibro. It affects our brain and anxiety and panic attacks are just something we have to deal with. I take medication for anxiety.I take ambien at night, however ambien doesn't work for me without a muscle relaxer. My muscles also do the same thing. I tense about things that I don't need too. You need a med in my opinion. We always have fibro, and getting all the problems managed takes a dr who knows how to treat it. I'm so sorry for how you feel. It"s nightmarish, but please know we all understand. Your not crazy, lazy or weak. You have an illness that needs care. Gentle hugs with lots of love. Tracze (twintch)

I was diagnosed with ADD and anxiety years ago and fibromyalgia only 2 years ago. I was on Effexor for anxiety and cymbalta for fibro. Now none of my rx are covered due to insurance change and the challenges of getting “per existing conditions” covered. Thankfully I have samples of cymbalta which is helping a little with the fibro and with the anxiety. It would be interesting to see if there is a correlation between anxiety and fibro.

I totally agree. Even with osteopathic and chiropractic adjustments, I need both Ambien and Flexeril to sleep. Celexa works for me better than Cymbalta which made me a nasty person. I think Cymbalta can also cause anxiety because it is a SNRI not to mention the cost difference. GABA-S is a supplement that is more effective with anxiety than any med I have ever taken. Pain itself can cause anxiety which then causes pain. I call it the spiral of pain. >

twintch said:

Whether or not you have the pain under control, which is so wonderful, you still have fibro. It affects our brain and anxiety and panic attacks are just something we have to deal with. I take medication for anxiety.I take ambien at night, however ambien doesn’t work for me without a muscle relaxer. My muscles also do the same thing. I tense about things that I don’t need too. You need a med in my opinion. We always have fibro, and getting all the problems managed takes a dr who knows how to treat it. I’m so sorry for how you feel. It"s nightmarish, but please know we all understand. Your not crazy, lazy or weak. You have an illness that needs care. Gentle hugs with lots of love. Tracze (twintch)

Anxiety and panic attacks are a symptom of fibro.
I never had them before.Nothing ever bothered me.Now I cry if a client doesn’t like my cleaning.
I take over the counter meds to sleep.The precsription ones I took when I had ins gave me vivid nightmares.
I found a local chiro who adjusts me for free.That helps for a few days.

Tense muscles is a common symptom of fibromyalgia. It's very possible that your anxiety worsens that tension to the point that even taking care of the pain doesn't fix it. I have fibro along with depression and generalized anxiety disorder. I have never put my anxiety together with my fibro tension. I know when my depression worsens, so does my fibro pain and when my fibro flares up, my depression worsens. Anxiety is just a constant throughout. I'm a worrier. I was just in the psych ward of the local hospital over the weekend for severe depression and I found myself worrying about all the other patients. Not worrying about them in the sense of them harming me, worrying FOR them. I still am doing that. I don't know how to stop. I tried meditation before but I can't figure out how to clear my mind. They tell me it just takes practice but nobody tells me how it's done. Sigh.

there is something called Amygdala Retraining which reports positive results for some with fibromyalgia and ‘chronic fatigue’. Amygdala retraining is a mind-body technique for symptoms related to fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. You have to purchase the program - I haven't done it but I know 2 people locally who have. The amygdala is a part of the brain that controls the "flight or fight" response. In fibro/cfs patients, it's on constant alert which is why so many of us report excessive anxiety. The retraining program helps to teach us ways to cope with the things that set off our anxiety. For example, if I'm going to somewhere I might stress about whether I'll be able to find a comfortable place to sit, if I'll be too cold or too hot, etc. This is over simplified but you probably get the idea. I will work myself up so much that by the time I have to go I'm a wreck. This program teaches you how to stop that. I'm hoping to try it. It costs about $100. Here's a link to an article:■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


Nope - Blue Cross Blue Shield through my old employer -- I haven't worked in 3 years, but he keeps me on the group because if he drops me, his premium will go from $1200 a month for him and wife to $3600 a month.

I should apply for disability, because we can't afford the premiums now, along with all the other bills -- but I'm afraid of having to go through all that. I'm still working on getting a backbone, so once that happens.......
My boss/Rheumatologist takes horrible notes. I doubt I could get disability for FMS - My best bet is the Neurologist that I see for 6 herniated discs and nerve pain, and the Psychiatrist that keeps me medicated enough so my anxiety doesn't end me up in the hospital.

personallynan said:

Did you say you were on disability Renie?

I don't know, Nancy. I've always had anxiety. I've been a worrier since childhood. But I've only had fibro for 6 years. And it didn't slowly develop. I was fine one day and suddenly had to spend six weeks bedridden before happily a doctor gave me Neurontin. I know I'm super lucky. I'm sure many of you spent years suffering before help came. I was given Neurontin without a diagnosis. I was diagnosed six months later simply because I kept going back and demanding more tests until they ruled everything else out. I pushed and pushed until I got an answer.

Nancy M said:

there is something called Amygdala Retraining which reports positive results for some with fibromyalgia and ‘chronic fatigue’. Amygdala retraining is a mind-body technique for symptoms related to fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. You have to purchase the program - I haven't done it but I know 2 people locally who have. The amygdala is a part of the brain that controls the "flight or fight" response. In fibro/cfs patients, it's on constant alert which is why so many of us report excessive anxiety. The retraining program helps to teach us ways to cope with the things that set off our anxiety. For example, if I'm going to somewhere I might stress about whether I'll be able to find a comfortable place to sit, if I'll be too cold or too hot, etc. This is over simplified but you probably get the idea. I will work myself up so much that by the time I have to go I'm a wreck. This program teaches you how to stop that. I'm hoping to try it. It costs about $100. Here's a link to an article:


I, too am on disability completely because of Fibromyalgia. I would advise seeing a disability lawyer from the beginning. They will tell you exactly what you need to do and/or do it for you. They can’t charge you upfront and only make a portion of your settlement (back pay) or a modest amount if you win your case. I have been on disability for 11 years. I have since been diagnosed with other issues that confirm the disability status. I am most grateful for Medicare.