Apologies for not being on for a while!

As you all know my mom passed in nov. Then in Feb my youngest son (23) left fir Parris Island South Carolina. He is going to be one if the few n proud, a Marine. This all has been very hard on me and has caused a major flare, one infection after another. My Rhuemy diagnsed Lupos, OSH disease which the endocrologist will confirm this week. I have had an updared bone density and came back a -3.6 on a scale that dabbed from 4-/-4! Needless to say, I must be very careful about falling. I'm quite frightened as what I vecread so far the leveks of calcium and ranfes says that ebdicrinologist will pribably opt to do surgery on thyroid gands to find tumor. Very scary for me as my mom nit only had breast cancer but sheakso had thyroid cancer. I'm doing ny best to stay positive, time will tell! At least I will have answers on Wednesday! I have had a rough start to this new year, prayibg it gets better in time. Prsyers and gentle hugs to all! Jackie

Hi Jackie, I just wanted you to know I am praying for you. Please keep us updated on how you are doing. Also, here is a link to the Ben's Friends Lupus site in case you are interested. http://www.lifewithlupus.org/

Thought and Prayers Jackie. Hugs

Hi Jackie,

Sorry you are going thru so much emotional and regular pain. I’m hoping the news on Wednesday will be good. Thinking of you.

Gentle Hugs,