Are these Fibro or something else?

“No worry” :smirk_cat: - these are all pretty much core symptoms of fibro, the first 2 belong to its definition, the other 4 definitely belong to it, but also to other chronic pain illnesses. And as opposed to many other symptoms (esp. specific joints paining) they all 6 will be harder ones to get under control, probably because they are generalized (‘all over’), except the tingling in your left hand (but you then write ‘my hands’, so partly also).
On the other hand like all “fibro”-symptoms should be checked by the various specialists, in your case rheums for 1 + 2, neuro for 1-6 and uro for 6. Been there, done that, nothing found.

Muscle stiffness is what I’m pinpointing in my blog at the mo JayCS’s Fibro Blog (the numbers are the different places of the stiffness). It’s my 2nd longest symptom after tiredness. Coming to believe that it’s (a shortening of?) the tendons above and below all of the big joints when I stay in any one position for longer. That will maybe put it into your tendonitis box. My 2nd rheum while diagnosing fibro also wanted to describe it as polyinsertionstendomyopathy.

Muscle weakness is what I often call exhaustability, because they often have a flash-in-the-pan-energy for 2-3 minutes, haven’t heard of anyone else with that. But the muscle weakness that then comes on is for me is in the muscles, not the tendons. It was great after some of the cryotherapy in the summer and still is after cryotherapy plus TCM/acupressure (for 4-30h), and all the time now I’m not having to work.

Numbness & tingling is our nerves, but probably caused by something in that hand/wrist, perhaps also muscles or tendons. I put physios on that, esp. osteopathy or perhaps try a little gentle massaging, looking for trigger points near there.

Dizziness & lightheadedness could of course come from meds, I can’t remember if you take some. I’d also think that it’s got to do with the disbalance, similar cause. Quite a few physios etc. keep telling me that the neck-muscles are particularly important because they are the bottleneck between head and body. And can and should thus be treated regularly, again by osteopaths, chiropractors. Even if it’s something in the equilibrium organ itself that’d be harder to get at.

Bladder - Generally ‘bladder problems’ are often named secondary part of fibro, but every time I try to find out what exactly, YMMV, as so often. I’m also been having a control problem for a few weeks off and on. Unsure if muscle, incl. Kegel, exercises have helped, been OK again for a few months. And then there’s my pain before p, which no-one can explain, obviously muscular, but better when stretching my body backwards during.

Fibromyalgia does mean pain of the muscle fibre, so the connections are clear. It just needs to be sorted out if anything else is there too - most striking case: my tooth problems which I thought were fibro/muscle/nerve/tenseness problems.

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