I am a mess today. NOT doing well at all. My trunk and total leg pain is at a miserable slow simmer but I woke up this morning with pain that I’ve never felt before and want to know if you’ve ever experienced the same thing.
I can barely touch the skin from my armpit almost all the way down to my elbow underneath my arms. I can’t believe how tender and painful it is. What can I do to help it? Please send every idea/help tip you’ve got.
Almost every night the skin under my left arm from the shoulder to the elbow does the same thing. I don't know if it is because I am tired or why. Sorry you feel bad, I hope you feel better quickly.
Sorry you are having a difficult time right now. It seems common to me for new pain to pop up now and then. Laying in a hot bath with Epsom salt helps my arms the most when they ache and are super tender. I just kinda let them float in the water. Resting them helps as well if possible. Hope you feel better soon.
Best wishes,
I have had the same symptoms, the only thing I could do was suck it up and deal. I did take tylenol. But not much else helped. Sorry I can't offer any helpful advice, hope it goes away soon, gentle hugs Jackie
Is it a possible issue with you deodorant? I had this happen to me years ago under the armpit only and had to switch to a much milder version. I only mention this because it really did cause a pain just like what you're describing. And maybe we're more sensitive in that area due to the fibro.
Other than that, I would think that it was fibro. Our nerves seem to be affected by fibro. Some of us feel very ticklish, some have a burning pain in the skin, others feel like a bug is crawling on them or biting them. Nerves can cause all of these sensations.
I really think it would be a good idea to see your doctor if you still have the pain. Armpits can be kind of dicey areas so you don't want to ignore stuff going on there.