Anyone have lumps under your skin? Please let me know

Hello everyone,
I miss the people I was talking to on here. The site won’t let me post and seems to happen when I need you guys the most.

I was just wondering if any of you have lumps under the skin?
I have them on the legs and forearms for quite sometime now. I experience a lot of pain at times and when I try and rub my arms it feels amazing but as soon as I stop the pain is still there.
If anyone can Let me know I would really appreciate it. : )

P.S. this sight isn’t always letting me post and it isn’t good. When I post I really need to talk and this site isnt allowing me to do that. I don’t know what’s going on. : (
Is this happening to anyone else?

I Hope my posting works this time. … I’m getting discouraged. Miss you all! Lisa

Hi Fibroerror. I'm really sorry for you that you can't get on. Do you get an error message of some sort when you try to enter here? Does your cursor freeze? I'm thinking that the more we know of what the problem is, the better the chance we have pf solving it.

Yes, I do have lumps under the skin, in fact I went to the doctor one day because of them. Mine don't hurt except for one on the leg that seems to feel like it's under pressure at times. Do your lumps hurt? Or is it the area around them? Regardless, I encourage you to see your doctor so he or she can properly evaluate them. My rule of thumb is if you don't know what something is or is doing on your body, then it's time to speak to a doctor. We here can only tell you what WE experience, not what's going on in your body. As much as I wish I could give you the answer to these lumps, I can't. I do know that in my case they were fatty deposits and the doc wasn't unduly worried about them.

I hope this has helped even a little bit. I know fibro ''ain't" easy, especially at these times but it's good that you're so on top of things.

Hi Lisa,

I have this problem on occasion, and it's usually when Ning is doing maintenance. Scott has recommended that I clear my browser, if you 'google this' with the type of search engine that you use, you can get directions. I am far from computer literate, but was able to follow the steps and eliminate the problem by doing this. Here is a link that may be what you need.

Here is a page that may help you understand the lumps and bumps, but please make sure you show and tell with your Doctor!

Lisa, I hope you can get some answers and some relief! We're here for you!



Hi Patunia ! How have you been?
Sometimes I get a error message and other times after I send the circle beside just keeps turning and is stuck that way.
I had asked my doctor a while back about the lumps and he didn’t even feel them. He just said "yeh that’s from the fibro…

I was just wondering if anyone else has it. I know I need to get a good ruematologist but $$$ is always an issue and I have no insurance and no vehicle. My husband sold his 22 yr. old truck over a Year ago and took my truck. He started his own business and needs it 6-7 days a week. I’ll get there eventually. Right now I just have a hard time asking someone for a ride and trying to coordinate their schedule with my appt…

I feel like I’m in prison most of the time but try to stay positive. I remind myself that theres always someone that has it worse than I do.

I hope your doing okay and it was great hearing from you! : ) Lisa

Hi SK ! So glad to hear from you too! Have you been doing okay?
Thank you for the link for the browser. I’ll give it a try : )

Did you mean to send me a page about the lumps and bumps? : ) if so, maybe you could send it. I would love to get some info on it . Thank you so much! Lisa

OOPS! Here it is!

Thank you : )

I have one on my shoulder-right where straps sit on top, or purse sits-ouch! One on the top of my thigh, and one on my other leg, on my inner thigh.

The one on the top of my thigh has been looked at by doc, and told it was a fat cell tumor, nothing to worry about. The ones on my legs have been there for years, If I mess with any of them, pain just radiates horribly!

Does this sound like what you have going on?