Burning Spine

Hi All,
My spine from top to bottom feels like its on fire. Does Anyone else have this problem and what do they think, do or what has your doctor told you about it? I have Not posted here, or anywhere much but am in to much pain to put many details right now. My pain doc is the only one I see right now and went to see her yesterday but they surprised me by living my appt to a nurse prac. WHO Looks like She just graduated high school, I know more about my meds than her, She kept checking her phone to look things up. I dont take any narcotic because of being in recovery. By the way I would be interested in hearing from Anyone who has this or anything to talk about. Feel like as soon as i start getting on with my life and feeling better I will get a huge flair like this and get mentally knocked down Dont have Anyone in my life who knows about my FM or if they do they dont understand. Sorry about typos im on my phone and also having numbness in hands. I feel for us all

I have this too! Lately it is almost constant. No exlplanation from drs. All I know is that narcotics are the only thing that help but I don’t take them all the time cause I know they are bad for me. I can relate and look forward to other replies.

What is a Nerve Conduction study? I am only 38 and dont have diabetes either. Do you find that the neurologist is more helpful with treating your fibro
Than other kinds of docs.? Thanks for replying





Dear Eve,

There are many possiblilties, such as pinched, inflammed, irritated or even medicine induced according to the above links.

To be sure, it is best to speak to your Doctor about this, he may want to do x-rays or nerve conduction tests.

I have this is my upper and lower spine and in my knees, it's NO FUN, the Lyrica helps to a degree. Hope you get some answers and some relief!

Wishing you well,


Thanks for what you have offered, I appreciate it

SK Thanks for the info, I have been back on the Computer for 20+ hrs a week for the last 3 weeks for an Internship I am doing in the county I live in. I am about to graduate with my B.A. and its a very goog possibility they will offer me a job. This is what I want to do, Human Services, but my body doesnt like to cooperate and this is very frustrating, I also get migraines…my pain doc said She would send me to a rheum She works with and id probably get a Lupus diagnosis, Not sure im ready to go down that road. Have been diagnosed w/ a variety of diff things over the years

I haven't been on much lately....TONS of stuff going on. I log on today and find this....odd thing is that I'm having this same issue. I've been dealing with fibro for over 20 years, but this is VERY different. I will be following this with interest, but I'm pretty sure mine are either pinched nerves or nerve inflammation, but PAINFUL!!! I also do not take narcotics (and will not), but this is making me wish I could for sure. I agree it feels like spine is on fire...best way to describe it. If I find anything that works, I"ll let you know. RIght now, I"m going to start taking some melatonin for right now and see if that helps.

You are obviously very worried about it and you don't say anything about having arthritis in the spine, so I would favour to go and get checked out your spinal is filled with spinal fluid which travels to all parts of the body including your brain and infection should be ruled out it must be painful if you are thinking about using narcotic for the pain so I would advise you to go to the emergency room. they may not be able to tell you what it is but they can rule out some life threatning and particular nasties I was a emergency room nurse for many years and in my opinion I would seek medical advice let me know how you get or if you won't do that at least go to a pharmacy and get your temp checked if it's high there is a very good chance you have an infection then definitly go to the ER

Hi Eve, I also have burning pain which usually starts in my spine, and spreads through out my body. It’s not always there, it usually starts later in the day, and gets worse in the evening and night. It’s been particularly bad this month perhaps it’s the weather. I find that although parts of me feel like I’m on fire other parts feel cold. I’m starting to increase my Gabapentin in the hope that it helps.

I am a diabetic so I don’t know whether it is fibro, diabetes or one of my other conditions causing this. If the nurse practitioner isn’t able to help you I’d ask to see the doctor, I’ve done that several times for my husband who often sees a nurse practitioner.

Remember we’re all here for you if you need someone to talk to, although our symptoms might be different, we do have a lot in common. Please take care of yourself.

Gentle hugs, B2chi

You should ask to have X Ray done to check and see if you have OA in your spine. If you are middle aged (35-65 roughly) it is normal for people's spine to have OA. Look up degenerative spine or disc ..both will cover about the same things. Some have pain other do not..even with exact same problem.

here is a link but you might check some others http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/arthritis/AN00124

If X Ray does not show up much or nothing ask for MRI. They did MRI on my spine to see extent of damage and where to give cort shots. But some people if you catching it in the beginning an X Ray will not show it.

I try bath now at least to just help with your pain...bring a nice book and try to relax. good luck and hope they figure it out soon.

Also what Kholmes says about nerve pain being burning ..well that is what i know..i have that nerve test. not diabetic just have messed up body. Eventually with NSAIDs and acupuncture nerve pain has improved. so there is hope if it is that...and even with spine problems...my mom lost weight during surgery and it just stopped.

Hi Eve,

Just yesterday I was having traveling pins and needles pain throughout my body that was the cousin to yours, as it was a less intense version of it. But I have had what felt like liquid fire/molten lava in the trigger point at my knee last winter. I think what you are experiencing is from fibro but I think this is something to see a doctor about. Your GP should be able to tell you which specialist to see. I think it is nerve related but am not sure. Let's see what other people have to say. I'll bet you'll find others who have had the same thing.


I get the same feeling that my back is going to snap in half. After only a few short steps! I hate it as it's now what seems to be limiting my ability to walk more than anything else. I do think it starts with osteo-arthritis that may be fairly mild (or maybe not) that is amplified by the fibro. And it's interesting that Neurontin is used for treating the burning sensation. I wonder if it works? If so then I think it would point to being from nerve pain.

Take care,


My current flare was the first time I really ever felt burning in the upper part of my spine. Tell me do you find any hard knots along your spine? I can find them in my neck. I always thought it was something to do with my bad disks, but now I know they are little muscle spasms.

I started out with really bad headaches and dropping things. Now it looks like I have signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis. I'm going to a Rheumatologist tomarrow for the first time in 4 years. I'm only 30 btw. Arthritis could definatly be a cause. I also know that I have bad trigger points everywhere.

Every time I get a new symptom it emotionally nocks me over. I hope your able to get to the bottom of it.

Hi all. Just want to share my back paine experience. I’ve been having lower back pain for years, thinking it was related to my fibro. My gp always treated it with time off work, flexerel. Finally when it got so bad I couldn’t stand for more than a few minutes, and my legs would just shake, feeling like they would just collapse, she referred me to a neurologist. He. sent me for an MRI. I ended up having back surgery. I had bulging dissks, stenosis & vertebrae out of alignment. The surgery was a success. so now I blame the restof my pain on the fibro. I just couldn’t believe they let me suffer so long, trying to hold down a fulltime job. I quit my job because I just couldn’t do it anymore, missing a lot, getting disciplined for attendance. I’m waiting to see if I’ ll get approved for disability. It takes forever! I do feel better this year than last, but I think it’s due to nothaving the stress and physical exertion of my job as a postal carrier. (Very hard work. ) And of course the surgery, of which I’m still recovering.

They call it Myofacial Pain Syndrome, if you have knots in the muscle that are painful. I have been seeing a trigger point massage therapist for the last month and a half. If you can afford it, even if it's every once in awhile, I think it's worth it. Every new area that she has worked on, I have greater functionality and spasms are less testy. It's greatly improved my ability to drive, because I get spasms in my shoulder that goes up to my neck and sets everything else off. You can attempt to work out some of the trigger points yourself, which is helpful for me. I have been pushing on the muscle spasms on the back of my neck, and all but one, will actually loosen up. This is helped keep my headaches down when I'm having a flare. A lot of times I end up using both hands. There are a lot of alternative ways of doing it yourself on youtube, using tennis balls and such.

I'm sure that I have myofacial pain syndrome but as far as I know there isn't a whole lot one can do about it. I also do the self massage. I get the knots on the upper spine right below my neck, at the top of my shoulder blades. Sometimes I feel like I have a migraine in my neck. I have been told I have cyrvical dystonia, chronic migraine, occipital neuralgia, and more over the years. I was taking Neurontin and then my new pain doc who is a DO took me off of that and put me on Lyrica which really seemed to be helping for a a while. Fibro is one of those things when you never seem to know what the day is going to bring when you wake up no matter what you do right. I am told that I am completely healthy from all the tests that I've had so I'm sure many of you know what that is like. Very Frustrating. I appreciate everyone who has contributed to this discussion, and I'm glad we at least have each other even if we are in cyber land. Thanks

The D-Ribose supplement really made my muscles feel less ache, even with the spasms. Really improved on fatigue. I also take baclofen, which slowed down the spasms, I was turning into a zombie.

I think you were very smart to not use narcotics. I cannot take melatonin nor NSAIDS. But if you using other medication or means to help relieve your pain would mind sharing it with me?

I am now trying to get off narcotics and largest problem is what else can i use? I been reading and finding some other means but medications well that is where getting stumped. Appreciate it ...but if you take NSAID than do not worry. thanks

Why that doc is saying you don't have P.N. is beyond the pale, you are describing just that. P.N. is treatable with injections of B12 or Bcomplex the research done by Dr.Lark Lands several years ago.,on diabetics. Peripheral Neuropathy is th e smaller nerves, the bigger ones coming off the spine are named by the name of the nerve .-Sciatica for down the leg for the sciatic nerve, Medial for down the arms for median nerves of the arms . Peripheral nerves are the smaller nerves ,I think ,and it is only my opinion ,but you doctor is one of these quacks who is trying to prove the negative. By saying there is no such thing as P.N. does not stop it or the pain that causes it. The B vitamens are broken down in the lower intestine ,if the bacteria is compromised by diabetes,anti-biotics,alcoholor other chronic illness( ussually because of anti-biotic treatments) the gut can no longer break the food down properly . Sometimes people will stop eating the foods that have Bvitamens because they can no longer digest them.This is part of Pelegra ,which in 1918-1923 killed many thousands of people . The reason it was really bad in some areas,like Florida where 50,000 died a year there was that the pan-demic flu killed not only people but the pigs.At that time a Doctor friend of the then Govenor of Florida noticed that the families that were not being effected by Pelegra had access to beef.a luxury at that time in Florida. He talked the Govenor in to letting him test a theory on 12 "lifers' from the prison system(at that time considered the worst in the nation) The symtoms of Pelegra know to all then were so bad he could only get 9 to volunteer, although the reward would be their freedom should they survive. He took all the red meat and dark green vegatables out of their diets,they got Pelegra.But to be able to prove his theory ,he had to cure them. He was able to cure 8,1 died.The symtoms of this "malnutrition,maldigestive disorder: including pain and tigling of the periphral nerves(hands and feet,legs and arms,tics,lose of skin hair and nails. Sever mental distrurbence and violence,homicidal and suicide. It was the uncharateristic violence that convinced me,my husband who was an AIDS patient became combative and violent ,while not making sense,the I was reading a nursing booklet for continuing education ,in two parts,the first was domestic violence then AIDS>A chart at the end of the first part showed symtoms of people who commit Domestic violence compared to the symtoms of those with low B-vitamens.My husband was fortunate enough to have a doc at that time who would try ,it was amazing,till he went on a new drug they now know causes you to need morebvitamens.The new doctors ,knew what I was telling them ,but wouldn't try it . A bottle of B-12 was then 7$ for a three month supply,and it worked. If he started to get acting crazy ,a B12 shot and 15minutes later he was the guy I wanted to marry.When his doctor "burnt-out" as AIDS doctors do,I couldn't figure out how to get it for him and he became so depressed he stopped taking his meds and died 13 months later.Yes.I blame them .But with Fibro and other problems of mine I haven't the energy to fight them anymore.Fortunatly some Doctors have figured it out also,also that AIDS is no more terminal in most cases than diabetes,if treated correctly (for most).So tired,must sleep this is exshasting. Have hope! Try B12 sublingal if you can't find someone to give the shots.It took away the P.N. .till the gout set in,uric acid build up in the lower extremitities, means kidneys aren't working.Uric acid cyrstals are like small sandburrs in shape and hurt .There is treatment to break them up.

Sarah2, I've been doing this dance with fibro for 20 years and I NEVER EVER heard the B12 connection before, but this makes PERFECT sense in my case. My herbalist has me on B12 for other reasons (sublingual doses) and I ran out of it last week......I have to drive over an hour one way to get the sublingual since no one around here carries anything but pills. THAT was when my burning back started!!!!! I'm going to get my pills out and start taking them till I can get to the place on Friday.....Starting now. THANKS for that info. Can't wait to add that to my doc's info arsenal. Wonder why more aren't discussing this, though......