Busy busy!

Hey everyone, sorry I haven’t been on at all pretty much anymore. :frowning: I think about and pray for you guys. I have been working pretty much everyday, God is good and is sustaining me. Thankful I had today off though cuz I am pretty exhausted and in a fog.
So much is changing but for the good, the fibro is here but I keep pressin on! Thank you all again for all of the support and love you gave me on my going back to work discussion. It really means a lot to me. Hope you all are having an amazing day/night, and that the fibro isn’t too horrible.
Blessings and prayers!

Thank you, Ahava! So very glad things are going so well! My good wishes and prayers that they stay that way for you! We need to hear success stories!

Big hugs,


Dear Ahava

Please do take care of yourself FIRST. Don't let your employer bully you into going to work when you are not well enough to. I am concerned about you.

Love and hugs


Glad to hear you are doing well. It’s great to hear positive experiences.

I hope you had a good day off and recharged enough to get you through to the next one.

Thanks for the kind wishes and suggestives, everyone.

Update, work is still going very well, I have today off so I am going to lounge around and do nothing until I have dinner with a friend tonight.

Also, a huge update, I am moving. So now my brain is fully concentrated on money and planning. It is a process and a little stressful but I know this is a good move for me, I am very excited for it. I will definitely have friends (big strong guys most of them), help me lift boxes though, I know my muscles won't be able to do all of it on their own.

I hope you all are doing very well and are having low pain days, keep positive! Amazing and wonderful possibilites and blessings open up when we least suspect it!

Blessings and prayers!

Things sound good in your corner of the world. That is good to hear. If you care to explain, what made you decide to move? Was it a better job? Or what?

Keep us updated. We care about you. We hope that things go well for you.

Gentle hugs


Thanks Rachel,

it just is the right time for me. The right doors seem to have opened up and I want to take this extra bit of independence for myself, I don't want the fibro to hold me back from my dreams and goals anymore. It'll be a process, there is a lot to move and a lot to be done, but I do believe I'll be happier in the long run after I make this move.

My job is still going great, still loving my clients and getting back into the swing of adjusting to catty women (occupational hazard when you work with all females). Sometimes I joke that I'm going to become a mechanic (which I actually would love), so I can work with all men haha.

Thank you all so much for your continued support and encouragement, it makes a world of difference.

Blessings and prayers for everyone!

Ahava, wherever you go you can still stay connected to this online support group so you will always be a part of us.

When are you moving?

We look forward to hearing from you wherever you are.

Love and hugs


Thank you, Rachel. I definitely intend to, you all mean a lot to me and this forum has helped me SO much in dealing with my fibro.

I am moving not too far from where I currently live, but this location will be better for me in the long run. All green lights on this one! I am very, very blessed praise the Lord.

I will try to be on as much as possible when I am not working like a horse, I want to be here for others just as much as all of you have so kindly been here for me. Bless you all!

Blessings and prayers

Hi. I was wondering what your secret is for working full time. I do also and the pain is really getting to me. Just curious if you have any advise. I have to work right now to support my family and it seems harder everyday.

Cara, what kind of work do you do? And where? And how far do you have to travel?

hey, mommyslove!

What is your occupation? Are you able to take 15 minute breaks? I am on my feet all day and hustling quite often, I block the pain out as much as I can by keeping busy (some days it feels unbearable). But thankfully I can take two fifteen minute breaks typically. I spread them out so that I can rest midway and then again about twenty minutes before I start home. I also put my feet up on a chair in front of me on breaks and on my lunch break, that REALLY helps a lot. The biggest thing for me is DO NOT STRESS. As much as possible. Breathe deeply when you are feeling stressed out and think of something that brings you peace and happiness. It sounds cheesy but it really does help, because I have found stressing out to be the number one contributor to debilitating pain. Also do not do any heavy lifting, my job requires me to lift certain heavy boxes, but I put them on carts and push them around, there is no way I could haul them around with my bare hands.

Please feel free to private message me anytime if you want to talk or need to vent. It sounds like you have a lot of stress on your shoulders, and for me that has always made the fibro the worst.

Blessings and prayers

Yes, Agava, I agree with you. Stress is our worst enemy. It ignites widespread debilitating pain.