Butrens Patch

Hi guys, just wondering if anyone has tried these pain patches and if they work, oh and the cost. Hugs, Leanne

Hi Leanne, I have never heard of this type of patch. So I looked it up on www.drugs-forum.com it compared the Fentenel patch with this one.
All I could really get was that its not as strong, but a good option to try…

Thanks Leanne
Hugs & blessings


Hi Leanne,

This sounds very promising, I hope it is very successful in controlling your pain, I hope you get great results and feel much better very quickly!

http://www.internetdrugcoupons.com/Butrans-Coupon Look what I found, a coupon! Best to call your pharmacy, see if they will accept this along with your insurance, and ask them the cost, I couldn't find that info.

Hi Dee, thank you so much for looking this up for me. I have to limit my time on the computer due to my spinal disease. I have disease in my spine and neck, so it is hard for me to hold my head up for to long. I will let you know how they work. I am so grateful every day for this web site. It helps so much to be in contact with people who understand our pain and what we go through. The Vicodin din no longer works for me and I don’t want to go to the more controlled medicines just yet. I have been told I will only get worse so at 51 I am reserving those as a last resort. Gratitude and Hugs, Leanne

Hi Sk, thank you so much for looking this up for me! You Ladies are very kind and helpful. I will check in to this. Gentle Hugs, Leanne


I use a Fentanyl patch (50mcg/hr) and it works for me. I know this now because I had to drop down from 75mcg/hr and WOW what a difference! I had my doubts if it was actually working anymore because of my pain but I don’t even want to know what my pain level would be without them anymore!