Can you have emotional flare ups?

Please don't laugh as to my discussioin title bc I'm being very serious about that. Can we really have emotional problems as flare ups?? This month just hasn't been a good month, and 95% of the time i can always come out of my (what i call) funk. for the past few weeks, (which i know some sadness comes from my uncle passing away, the 4th year anniversary that i lost my baby is this month, my birthday is this month (no i really dont care too much for having my birthday and no it's not b/c I am turning older, i dont like the attention lol), and a few other things have happened this month. I have been very sad (which is the depression I know), but it seems like the sadness has been turning into anger.

and the littlest thing sets me off and then i'm mad all day about everything, and this is NOT like me. I am not one to be angry, at all. it takes a whole lot to make me mad. Yesterday was the first day i finally had some relief from the anger. And it snowed the other day (which of course I had hip pain and back and neck pain and all the pain that comes with it) and now we are having another polar vortex (sp), which means it's extremely extremely cold again. and today it seems the anger i had hasn't showed up (thank goodness),
So, with all that being sad, can we have emotions as a flare up??

i already fight with panic/anxiety attacks every day, and depression and i take medicine for it.

hi cookies. Feelings are nothing to laugh at at all.. People who would do that are very thoughtless and unkind in my book.

You have issues that are sad and i am sending you much love , healing thoughts and prayers.

xoxoxoxoxooxoxxo Suzie

cookies, it's not uncommon fro us with fibro to deal with depression, kinda come with the territory. pain will do it to anyone. long ago spent a year in counseling to deal with my own depression and anxiety. helped a lot. up to me to use what I learned.

anniversaries of not so easy events can trigger mood changes. my best way to cope is stress relief, pamper myself, stay busy. That is, after you have worked through original feelings. grieving a child is a day by day thing. been there, still do it.

loving hugs

Hi Cookies. When I get really depressed I often get very angry at everything (including inanimate objects) or anyone ; if that doesn’t happen I’m very sad, cocoon or cry at nothing. I do take anti-depressants ( my husband calls them my happy pills ) but sometimes they don’t always work well. I’m usually calm, rationale accepting and accommodating., but boy can I ever lose it.The only other time I can get angry is I get hypoglycemic.

I’ve never thought it as the actual fibro but definitely a side affect from the pain, lack of sleep and depression.

No question is too strange or funny, we’re all going through this together, and all have symptoms
we don’t understand.
Lots of hugs, B2chi

Yes, certainly we can have emotional flare ups!! All this crap on top of normal life makes it really hard to deal with. And...and we feel things more intensely than the "norm" as well as have a harder time controlling them. It's just part of the territory. I think it totally sucks, but it doesn't change it. =/ *Hugs* for all the sadness you're feeling! Anger is also part of grief, but it can be a wall/shield to help us "stuff" our emotions and such too. It might help if you could identify which it is at any given time. There are technique to help discover what's up if you don't immediately know. Free writing generally works for me, but there are other methods. Even when I'm numb I force myself to write I'm numb I feel nothing, etc. Which can bring thoughts and feelings to the surface so I can know what's really going on with me. I also find I tend to get angry over the "safe" things, because what's really upsetting me is just too painful! I understand where you're coming from. I have PTSD and also fight "regular" panic attacks and struggle with depression (which I'm slowing coming out of denial over). Anyway *Hugs* hope the anger stays away!!