Chronic sore throat

I am not sure that two weeks qualifies as chronic, however, this is extremely weird and a new issue for me.

I have been on a new med regimen sinc early February. I was taken off Plaquenil due to eye issues and I now have been diagnosed with glaucoma.

It took 4 new meds to help combat the immense pain I experienced after 4 days off the Plaq. So now my docs have added Neurontin (Gabapentin), 100mg/3x per day, Lyrica 50mg at bedtime, Savella 50mg 1per day, Namenda 10 mg 2x/day and Hydrocodon-Acetaminophen, as needed. On top of this I take Xanax (Arazolam) 1 mg/at bedtime for sleep (yeah right, I sleep about 4 hrs at night), Lexapro 10mg/ 1 in the morning, and Vimovo (Naproxinand esomeprasole magnesium)500-20mg 3x/day.

I wake up every morning with an extremely sore throat. Like I am going to come down with a cold or the flu, but I haven't. It last about 4 hours with painful symptoms (painful to swallow anything) it then subsides during the day but returns about 2 hours before bedtime.

I will of course discuss this with my pain management doctor but I was wondering if anyone had has similar symptoms.


A sore throat can be a symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome, which is what I have been diagnosed with. Also I had a chronic score throat, which i had accepted as "normal" but it turned out to be "strep throat" and had to take anti biotics.

My first step (not that I am a professional by any means) would be to get a throat swab done at your family doctor's office to rule out any bacteria or virus.

Next would be to inquire into the "side effects" of your meds as I have learned that many meds can cause "dry mouth" if you are having dry mouth or any type of breathing with your mouth open, snoring, or sleep apnea, that would definitely cause a score throat.

So it might be meds or a sleep issue such as snoring. Maybe ask your partner if you snore, or "stop breathing" for short periods of time during the night (sleep apnea) if you do not have a partner, this test can be requested at your local doctors office. They will give you a machine to test for it.

Anyways, just a few ideas, but I'm sure there are more. Good luck!

Hi Bubbles,

Thanks for the reply. I will have a throat swab to rule out any bac or virus. My husband says I talk in my sleep, and I believe him, as these conversations wake me up! lol.... I do not believe it is sleep apea, as my husband says I do not snore.

My throat is better today.... I just hope it lasts.

Again, thanks,

CoCo in Bonita,


Bubbles said:

A sore throat can be a symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome, which is what I have been diagnosed with. Also I had a chronic score throat, which i had accepted as "normal" but it turned out to be "strep throat" and had to take anti biotics.

My first step (not that I am a professional by any means) would be to get a throat swab done at your family doctor's office to rule out any bacteria or virus.

Next would be to inquire into the "side effects" of your meds as I have learned that many meds can cause "dry mouth" if you are having dry mouth or any type of breathing with your mouth open, snoring, or sleep apnea, that would definitely cause a score throat.

So it might be meds or a sleep issue such as snoring. Maybe ask your partner if you snore, or "stop breathing" for short periods of time during the night (sleep apnea) if you do not have a partner, this test can be requested at your local doctors office. They will give you a machine to test for it.

Anyways, just a few ideas, but I'm sure there are more. Good luck!