What to do?

I’m currently taking lyrica and hydrocodone. I get my lyrica from my drs office because it is so expensive (waiting to get assistance). Anywho, I called the office Friday and told the lady at desk that I realized I will be out of it by the weekend. Well, called again today, still no word. I could supplement with the hydrocodone, but then i will be out of that early. I have another RX for the hydro written for the 5th. Will they fill it early if I am unable to get the lyrica? I have a full week and I’m scared it’s going to be painful. Can I get sick because I stopped taking the lyrica so suddenly?

lyrica is an anti-epileptic drug that is being used for pain. this drug should not be stopped abruptly. I dont know what your dosage is or how often you are taking it. But i would talk to the prescribing doc on how safe it is to abruptly stop this drug. all the best. let me know how it goes.



Talk with your pharmacy alot of them have programs to help pay for meds like discount cards they will also fill partial precriprions. By law they can only fill drugs every so many days. Call the doctor back drug repes bring samples to the dr office and they may not bring any soon.

I take 325mg of lyrica every night. The lyrica I take are samples until Pfizer comes through with their assistance program. I go to a non-profit dr to get medical care, and I know she’s busy but I am very worried, so far I’m very stiff and tired. She is very strict on medication so I don’t want run out of the norco as well. I take 3 a day, one in the morning, a little after lunch, and I a little before bed time. It’s making me very stressed. :frowning: I called the off I’ve again and her front desk employee just said “I will call YOU when I talk to the Dr.”

Ask to speak to the nurse. If that doesn’t work ask to speak to your dr.

You could have some withdrawal symptoms which can go pretty uncomfortable. Have you try gabapentin? it much more cheap and it uses the same type of drug.

Good luck!

There’s only the Dr and two medical assistants. I asked to speak with my dr and the MAs response was that they would call me. I tried gabpantien years ago, it’d made me very foggy. We did the lyrica and slowly brought it up to minimize side effects. We also chose it because of my history of seizures. Which is also why I take hydrocodone instead of tramadol. I feel like such a nag when I continue to call. I’m an EMT (off work while I heal from my 3rd shoulder surgery) and I have had plenty of “patients” make up anything and everything in hopes of getting pain medication. Now that I’m on the other side of the line as a patient, I feel ridiculous. It took me years to get my shoulder attended to, took me forever to accept that I had seizures, I even tried to sign out AMA without knowing where I was, or what month it was! Haha and it took me until I had days of extreme pain and taking every fiber of my being to go through a day before I ended up in the doctors office in tears begging for every kind of blood test to try and figure out what ailed me. I leave for a few days tomorrow to care for my father and 5 year old nephew, as well as my own 3 year old, I hope, and hope and hope that I am game for it.
Thank you for listening to my rants and fears and complaints, you all are amazing.

erica, now that i read that you have history of seizures i am all the more concerned about going without the lyrica. i , too have a history of seizures and i would never be out of those meds. perhaps when you call you should make them ( once again) aware of your history...As someone else said the gabapentin is in the same family of drugs and way cheaper. And you should not feel ridiculous about your health. i am sad that you are going through this and i hope and pray you get this straightened out very soon. BIG HUGGGGS to you


I don't take Lyrica so I can't help you with your question but have you contacted Pfiser to see if you can get prescription assistance? Check out PHAHelps.com. After I typed this, I reread your post and see that your waiting for assistance. I hope you get assistance soon and your doctors office responds soon.

Gentle hugs,
