
Are there any coffee drinkers here?? Do you feel coffee effects your Fibro in any way, positive or negative??

I'm new to this discussion page, so I hope I am doing this right. I am a coffee drinker. It helps with the fog and I haven't noticed any bad effects for me.

I enjoy my morning coffee but have noticed lately that I feel nausious after having my coffee. Then I start to worry that I may have to stop drinking it!

Hi Jennifer and welcome to this group.

I have the same problem with coffee but not every day. I don't think it's from the fibro because I have had it happening ever since I started drinking it, which was long before the fibro came along.

Soft Hugs

Dottie S

I drink coffee. I have switched to tea now and then and I haven't noticed a difference. All I know is coffee is like the only vice I have anymore and I prefer it over taking Provigil, which I have a prescription for to combat chronic fatigue. I am drinking coffee right now as I'm not ready to get up and around yet.

Was sometimes getting sick after morning coffee. Found eating breakfast then having the coffee helped.

Coffee, and all caffiene, is the enemy. One cup of coffee and I feel like I have the stomach flu. I know a lot of people with fibro use caffiene and I don;t know how they do it. Even without the sick feeling I get, it tightens my muscles--the last thing I need!!

Kimberly :)

I'm kind of similar to Kimberly with the muscle tension. But I love coffee. We make it strong at our house and most mornings I have a half of a cup. It's such a habit. Caffeine in general has a weird effect on me. I know I really shouldn't do it.

I love tea too tho. Got some lavender tea at a lavender farm this summer. Waiting til the cold weather comes to open it up. I love the floral teas.

Coffee and tea( both very strong) are all I drink