

I am wondering if anyone else here has found that they have issues with too much caffeine. I am not even talking about an excessive amount, but more like a cup of coffee being too much caffeine?

For some reason, my husband started drinking coffee a few months ago and I joined in the fun. I ended up enjoying the downfall of caffeine and finding myself getting shots of tordol for migraines a number of times.

Since I have cut out coffee (I still do drink my can of Coke), the headaches have nearly disappeared. With fibro it is so hard to tell if what you change in your lifestyle causes improvement or if the switch to feeling better was switched on.

I have found that I definitely do have issues with too much caffeine. I drink about two cups of coffee a day, sometimes more if I have a horrid migraine going on.
If I have too much too fast though it makes my muscles feel horrible and the fibro tends to swing into over drive. I’m not sure why this is but I try to limit myself and not have too much sugar because of the inflammation it causes.

Hi jmhaag, For me Fibro & caffeine =a mad mess. I am not sure if this was also related to some of the medicine I was on, but I no longer have anything with caffeine. Insomnia played a big part in this decision too. Even off the caffeine I am lucky if I sleep 3 hours. I must admit I sure do miss a good cup of regular coffee...