
Hey all, I need some support, My husband has so much on him I hate burdening him with all my stuff, So I'm venting here, I'm sick of being in pain 24/7. I alo feel like such a failure, we have always struggled with money, but this is terriable. I csnt afford my meds, bills are all behind including house. I don't know what to do, my medical bills just keep piling up! I hste that I'm no longer able to help financialy at all! Then to top that off, its getting horrible trying to keep my house clean, laundry done, my gardens are looking bad, and I only planted tomatoes this year! I always had a full garden, I just hate what I'm becoming, I always have been self suffient, now I need hlp with everythng, Its not me, I feel like I'm stuck in someone elese body. I know that sounds bad..... but I don't like this body. I want to be pain free, med free, and self dependant again. Am I the only one who feels this way

No mam…I miss work again today…I feel horrible and can’t do anything. My fiance is wonderful, but feel like carp. I afraid of losing my job. This is a hard disease and shows no mercy…keep praying and venting it helps

hi jackie. i am very sorry that you are feeling so badly. i do relate to much of what you said except the part about going to sleep and just not waking up. actually i am quite the opposite. sometimes i am afraid to go to sleep for fear i wont wake up ..i know it is also very hard on our spouses and loved ones.. For people who have never suffered with depression it is often developed as a secondary condition when one is so ill and disabled.Do you think you might discuss this with your doc for possible treatment for that? it wont change the situation but may help you cope better. I am glad you came here to share your issues as they are quite similar to so many folks and at least you can find the compassion and understanding without feeling any judgement or criticism .. sending you BIG HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGs


Hi Jackie. Yes, I can relate to all of it. The pain, the financial woes, the cleaning, no longer self sufficient, etc. All of it. I am so sorry to hear you are down. This is not your fault so please don’t feel guilty. It only makes your pain worse. I know it’s hard to do. I’ve been “down and out” many times in my life for many reasons but one thing I’ve learned is things will work out. I’ve wasted a lot of time worrying through the years but somehow I’ve always made it. Sometimes that’s all that’s left to do is have faith. Try and hang in there. I will be thinking of you and hoping things improve for you soon. Remember you are not alone and there are a lot of people who can relate to what you are going through.
Best wishes,

Jackie, if you Google “prescription assistance Pennsylvania”, you will probably find that there are several prescription assistance programs that can help you with your meds. Also, remember that any medical bill can be negotiated down. Sometimes it makes sense to hire a patient advocate or get in touch with a hospital social worker. There are some practical things you can do to better your situation, but first you have to feel better. If you have been feeling this down for a while, you may want to see your GP and talk about getting help for depression. Wishing you the best, and hoping you have better days ahead soon.

Hi Jackie, just thinking about you and hoping you have a good day today. When I feel at the end of my rope I try really try hard to give myself an emotional break on feeling bad about some things. So right now my house is not as clean as it could be and the bushes are overgrown but I am learning to accept that it is okay. I hope your pain is less today. Hugs.

Definitely not alone. I have been struggling with money problems this year as well. Not because of prescriptions, but because I have been off work on medical leave. My short term disability has run out. Even that was not much. My employer has not let me go so no unemployment, not that I want it. I am in between stages right now of determining if I will be able to work a different type of job somewhere else or go on SSDI. Their are a lot of things I am incapable of doing anymore that I would love to do. Some things I can still do, but in moderation, not like before. Everyday I do my recommended stretches and exercises in moderation. I do wish I had my old body back. One thing is for sure though, I will NEVER GIVE UP.


I Hope things are better for you soon. I try and concentrate on the little things i do during the day instead of what hasnt gotten done. Venting is a great way to releave stress. Their are often community resources that will help pay power bills and help with food. We are here for you any time you need to vent.

Good afternoon to all, I'm feeling a bit better as I have talked with my husband, and my pcp who is upping thedoes of my cymbalta,. I am strong and will pull through this rough spot, thank you all for your suppot! Hugs to all, J

Dear Jackie, thank you for sharing your heart about how things are going for you - I am so sorry you are having a hard time - and I want to share, so am I - the last two days have been extreme pain, today being the worst - I understand about not being able to do normal household chores and living - this week I finally forced myself to get our bedroom and bathroom cleaned (with my dear husband's help). Now, I will keep it up a little and not wait until it gets so bad. But, to push against the pain was not fun - I had to sit down and wait for the pain to subside often. I feel like I am not me either. I have had to use an electric cart because my legs shoot into pain when I walk a lot. I have had Fibro for years but it has slowly gotten worse - I too wish all the pain, meds, etc would just go away. Someday I just sit in my bedroom and don't want to move I am so exhausted physically, mentally, etc. I will share that the peace I have to accept it has been thru my realizing that there are others who have it so much worse - I know of two ladies my age that have MS and one is bedridden years ago and one has been in a wheel chair for years. Also, we know of many internationals who will never have the care I have in this country. One thing my husband and I have been thankful for is that we have air conditioning - we have been in many countries and none of them have A/C in their homes - No, you for sure are not only one who feel this way -

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Hugs.