Diagnosing Fibromyalgia

We all want that perfect doctor, and an immediate definitive diagnosis as to why we don't feel well. Unfortunately, Fibromyalgia is difficult to diagnose. There are no tests, which leaves the determination up to the doctor's finding on his exam, and ruling out other similar disorders.

Here's some great info from WebMD--

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis and Misdiagnosis

So many of us were either misdiagnosed, or left undiagnosed for years, suffering the multitude of symptoms, and thinking we were crazy!

Also have a look around the rest of that WebMD page, there's a lot of great information.


I love this, I share this with everyone.

Thank you Renie. It gets so old, doesn't it? I'm so tired this week. Have multiple doc appt's coming up and feel overwhelmed in how to prepare for the specialists. I agree, misdiagnosed, underdiagnosed, who knows? It is so discouraging. I will definitely read when my head clears a bit. I appreciate the read!

Nice story Jackie. Yeah, it gets old trying to explain to everyone, doesn't it. I have one non-fibro person, two fibro people and my husband that understand. I guess if we have a hard time understanding it ourselves, we can't expect "normals" to get it. Thanks for sharing. Good to have in my fibro file.


How true! Good post, Renie!

Jackie, that is a very good story.

Renie, thanks for posting this list from the WEM Md. It's a good one.

Jackie, Thank you for that story.Barb

I almost wish that I was mis-diagnosed! It took the doctors a year to say I had fibro and I was relieved to finally hear what I had, but from there on it is downhill. Few years later after taking the meds and doing alternative treatments, I feel worse now than I did four years ago! So, in a way, I wish I was mis-diagnosed with something they could treat! There are treatments for all kinds of illnesses, except ours! How frustrating it is to go through life in such chronic pain and at the end, all the docs do is tell you to see a phycologist- maybe you had some trauma in your life or maybe you were abused as a child - yeh, right, not!!! One by one, all my doctors say at the end is that they can't help you. How frustrating is that, so you have to take it upon yourself to find someone, somewhere out there for another person, maybe go to a more healing doctor that deals with body/mind connection. I don't know the answer, but like all of you, we keep trying!

Jackie, thanks for the link. I am lucky to have a very compassionate husband who helps me and encourages me, saying that, I think it is hard for him to understand certain aspects of how I feel one day to another.

I know it's confusing for him because I have arthritis along with the fibro. Although I need to use a cane to keep upright, (not bend my head down) when I walk I am lucky that I can ride my bike, but I think he wants to help me figure out if the pain I am feeling in my back is from which one. It's hard for me to figure that out my self and I'm not sure if it's important. I guess we are trying to figure out a proper and helpful exercise plan and that it may matter somehow. Wow, can you see a little fibro fog, LOL

Anyways many thanks for the posting, Jan

Great info - thanks!



Not only did we think we were crazy, our docs thought we were too. I once overheard my doctor and his physicians assistant having a discussion in the next room....and they were talking about me and whether I drink alcohol. It made me want to act nuts and remove all of their doubt. I went to see a Neurologist and he asked me if I drank alcohol, so I told me NO, but I'd like to, he answered "me too". I really liked that Neuro. I wish I could see him full time. I really did not want a Fibro dx, because it is invisable and misunderstood. Some days it is so hard to go to work.

This is wonderful, thank you for posting! I sent it to a non-fibro friend, I hope he reads it.

Kimberly :)

Aloha, I feel frustrated like the rest of you. Fibro is so difficult to treat. i'm on medication but it doesn't take all the pain away. My doc told me that people have a misconception that a pill can take your pain away, that is not true, it can only help you tolerate it better. The more you take the more you need! On top of fibro, I broke my shoulder, talk about pain! I am a mess. i'm waiting for my shoulder to heal and then I am having a spinal cord stimulator surgery. this is my last hope for less pain. I've been to so many doctors and at the end they say they cannot help me anymore. The doc I'm seeing now is a pain specialist. He says he has had a 85% success rate with this stem surgery. If it works for me the pain should be at least 50% less. That would be wonderful!!

Renie I always like Web MD and the Mayo clinic web sites they are always informative.

Jackie that was great.

Some days it's hard to get out of bed for me!

I was so lucky, I got diagnosed with the first doctor. He was a quack, wanting to sell me all these pills he got from who knows where but not the pharmacy. I then had 2 rheumotologists confirm the diagnoses. I had to do 2, and the first was an hour's drive away and the one only 15 minutes away insisted on redoing all the tests.

I like WebMD and the Mayo Clinic sites too, they have lots of great info!!

Kimerbly :) (sigh) you know you have fibro when you misspell your name! lol ;)