Diet soda and aspartame!

Hi Everyone, I had been drinking diet coke for 25 years and stopped three weeks ago. well I noticed that my pain had diminished a lot. I consulted with my Gastro doctor about this and she gave me an article to read. I can believe how harmful it is. Just to name a few of the disease it causes they are as follows. fibromyalgia,CFS, Lupus, blurred vision, headaches, Brain Tumors and more. I am by no means cured of my Fibro or CFS but I will tell you I am down to only one pain pill a day. I just wanted to share this with you all.
Two of the ingredients it contains is Wood Alcohol and Fermeldahyd . Please Google it.
I am waiting results of some toxicology tests my doctor is running to see if I have toxic levels. I also posted this on my Facebook page. I didn’t know how to post it on here. You may send me a friend request on Facebook. Leanne LeClair

Go to to see the article about the dangers of aspartame.

I read this in our local news, they were doing a story about how many people had been dianosed with MS because of aspartame. When they stopped drinking diet pop they were 100% better. I can only imagine what other symptoms it may cause. Pretty scary.

Umm yes, diet soda no thank you! lol...I think I have heard this before but I am glad I read your post. :) I am going to try this!