
HI all. I was wondering if anyone else has had some unpleasant reactions to supplements? I am currently taking some by the DoTerra line.... I'm uncertain but I don't think my body is mixing well with them. I love their oils and do not want to give them any kind of bad press. As we know with fibro our bodies sometimes can't tolerate certain things.

Also, I feel as though my pain meds are not working as well since taking them.

Thank you.

Hi, Psalm. I haven’t yet, but I’d like to caution you to check in with your doctor especially as you’re concerned they’re affecting your pain medications. Supplements although natural can be dangerous and really need monitoring.

thank you. I appreciate the insight. I will check in with him.


Please make sure you share all your supplements with your doctors and pharmacist. I had a very bad experience, I was taking several from the health store for a variety of things. Mixing those with my meds after a few weeks I started bleeding from my bowels as if I was having a female period. I thought I had colon cancer because that’s what killed my mother. Well after an emergency room visit, the scope, etc. etc. my doctore came in and was very upset with me. She said you never put those supplements on your list of things taking. It took several days of detoxing, bland diets to get my lower track working correctly again. Plus I learned a life long lesson.
I currently only take a vitamin that he recommended.