
So after just three years of fibromyalgia, I had a bad flare up last November that has never gone away. I took short term disability (I am a teacher), and then went back and could do even less. School is about to start and the doctor and I have decided to go back on disability. My husband wants to go out for good because when I work all I do is sleep when I am at home. I don't have the ability to interact with my husband or my three children (which just tears me up inside). So here I go. I have been told my multiple doctors and lawyers that I will not receive Social Security Disability because (1) you can prove fibro and (2) I am only 36. My husband says we will deal with that when it comes, but I have had anxiety all my life and can't think about not worrying. I am sure some of you have stories to share. Also, do you have advice when dealing with your jobs insurance company? I would appreciate any info you can give. Thanks! Soft hugs!

I think I responded to this post as it was posted twice but I did not help with the insurance part... I am out on Short term disability as we type... I am thinking about going on long term.. one thing you need to know if what your insurance covers... I am going to have to check mine as well to see if they cover Fibromyalgia. For me I have other things that when they put them all together should get me the LTD... I do know that between the insurance company and the Dr.s I just keep banging my head against the wall...you have to stay on top of the Dr.s to get their paper work in and you have to call the insurance company to make sure they got it... THEY WONT CALL YOU!!! That is just what I am dealing with for the short term disability... I am fixing to begin the long term process... oh and remember some insurance companies have a waiting period for the LTD... get your paper work out and find out all the info you need and then call them if you have questions.