Electric Shocks

I have had what feels like electric shocks going thru my body. I had one shock that went thru my body to my teeth and I felt it in every tooth. Does anyone know if this is symptom of fibro?

I have had this symptom a couple of diffrent times, each time I did was because of medication. The first time was with Paxil and wellbutrin years ago when I was first diagnosed and Dr. was trying to find the right medication for me. Ended up with a low dose prozac for 15 years, then dr. said that I may want to try cymbalta, newer drug with less side affects - haha - had that electric shock feeling go on for a month even after I quit taking the cymbalta and went back to my prozac. Have you switched any of your meds? that may be the culprit. Take care - Kim

I get this daily almost. The worst are in my hands, fingers, and feet. My doctor said it is peripheral neuropathy. I took a medication for it for 5 weeks but had to go off it last week due to side effects. I am not 100% sold on the neuropathy diagnosis as I get the electrical current feeling thru my body and even into my scalp. Based on what I have read about peripheral neuropathy it is mainly limited to feet and hands. I agree with NCGAL63 you should see if it is a side effect of your medication. I am sorry this happened to you I know it doesn't feel good. Hugs.

I don't know if it's a symptom, but it's definitely something we share... I get these pulses that almost feel like my heart has been shocked. The shock travels throughout my body and my breath catches in my throat. I'm never out of breath or overdue for meds, so it seems like they really come out of nowhere.

Hope it gets better!

I agree check your medication, Cymbalta has this as a side effect . I've been weening off slowly and read about those electric zapps! sounds scarey. I've had a few other side effects (extreme fatigue, bruising, muscle aches) that doctors just blew off as fibro! I can't wait to get off this expensive, addicting drug.

I tried to quit Cymbalta cold turkey a week ago and go on lyrica. I got so ill. First I had those zapps, crying outbursts, sick to my stomach, and much more, however I do believe it is your medicine. I had no idea what those zapps were til the 2nd day off Cymbalta. Needless to say I am back on it.


I've read on a few sites you have to very slowly reduce cymbalta. There is even a website that deals with cutting down. The sad thing is that the medical porfessionals don't tell us how hard it is to taper off. At first we feel better because our pain is dulled, but then the side effects catch up with us.