Weird sensations

Here it goes. I'm gonna do my best to describe this and see if anyone else has it. Do you know that sensation you get when you see someone almost get hurt and you get this feeling through your body that almost hurts? I get this kind of sensation a lot in my arms, legs and body. Its not low blood sugar. I have tried to figure out what causes it, but there doesn't seem to be any similar factors when it happens. I'm wondering if it is just my nerve endings firing off. Its that kind of feeling that you get inside when u feel like you are going crazy or think you are going to die. Just want to know if I am alone in this or not. Really don't want anyone else to suffer this, but you know how it makes us feel better and not so crazy if someone else has experienced it. Thanks.

Yes, I sometimes get a "rush" feeling, I described it to my Doctor as that feeling you get if an animal or car comes out of nowhere and you almost hit it. Often starts in the pit of my stomach and works it's way through my limbs. Then my heart starts beating out of control and sometimes I feel like I am going to faint. My doctor called it my "Flight, or Fight" response and that it is an adrenaline rush that I am feeling. Often times a full blow anxiety attack follows. The doctor has given me alprazolam and often when I can feel one coming on I take it and it subsides pretty quickly. The after affects of these "adrenaline rushes" plays havoc on me. I guess because of the residue of the adrenaline itself and being so tense during one of these episodes I can ache for days afterward. When I have several of these "attacks" as I call them, my IBS also acts up and seems to take forever for my digestive system to get straight again. My last bloodwork showed that I was indeed in Perimenopause and that the hormone imbalance had a lot to do with what was going on. How old are you? Could you be going through some hormonal changes? Hope you feel better soon. Kim

Dont notice my heart racing. Just feel strange, but not like when i have an anxiety attack.

I get anxiety attacks too, but this is different. I dont remember my heart beating, but I do feel washed out when it passes. I will pay more attention next time it happens and see if that happens too. You know how my memory is. I forget so easy.

I want to thank you all for your responses. I dont feel so alone. It means alot to me. The more we share the better we feel about ourselves :)

I do understand. I have tried to describe it as a hot nervey feeling. It feels so gross to me. You are not alone. I totally get it. I just started cybalta and it has halted that a little. Tonight or tomorrow I start Lyrica. Not sure when to try. I don't know if it will make me sleepy. But let me tell you, I am willing to TRY med.s to see if I can get some relief. I hope you find relief from that icky feeling soon!

That sounds alot like terror which is a symptom of high anxiety. I hope you’re able to find relief for this. It is very distressing. Anti-depressants can help. Good luck.

Hi Debra,

It surely sounds like nerve pain to me! Or nerve agitation, to be more precise. One aspect of it presents as restless leg syndrome, where the legs won't stop jittering around. Another aspect of it presents as the feeling of bugs crawling on you or ants biting you. Yet another presentation is itching that you cannot find the root of. Another is a sense of being on fire inside. And still another presentation of it is painful hair and very sensitive skin.

I know that none of these exactly fit what you're describing but it sounds close enough to be nerve pain. However, if it keeps up, please let your doctor know about it, just to be safe.



PS: Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree with my info.

Yup, Stacy, I get the hot nervy pain in my knees, primarily. And it does feel gross! I take Lyrica and am not sure if it helps or not because I started experiencing the pain after starting on it but it only comes in bouts during the cold weather. I hope yours is helped by your meds, and same for you, Deb!

When you describe that you feel like you are going crazy, to me it sounds like my anxiety attacks. You feel tense everywhere in your body and are on high alert to anything and everything around you. When I started getting them I didn't realize what was happening and the severity continued to worse until I was forced to seek help.

That's a good description. And it does make you feel gross. Exactly

Im beginning to think it is my nerve endings, but I could be wrong. I am in process of getting insurance so I can begin the process of treated FM. Right now I am doing natural remedies. The Savella didn't touch it so am still searching.

I've been reading a book on fibromyalgia, can't remember the name right now. (fog). But it puts this feeling into medical terms. I will put it in my words the way I understood it. Our bodies have a mode we go into when a severe trauma happens to us emotionally or physically. Our senses turn up, and all kinds of things in our body go into a survivor mode. Anyway, they are researching that and seem to think that us fibromyalgians, our bodies are stuck in that mode. Our central nervous system is over workingtime, causing all these panic attacks, anxiety, weakness..... explains a lot of the symptoms we experience.

Just saw the FM brain, Wow. This should be posted in every rheumatologist office. Is this the same sensation as a jerky moment. Kind of like the build up of anxiety but it goes away instantly and I get a jerky sensation. Funny thing is my son developed that same feeling when he came back from Irag. His Dr said it part of PTSD.

Your symptoms sound like an anxiety attack. I have them and they do wreak havoc on our systems. It does cause us to tense up and that hurts. I'm glad your doctor gave you alprazolam to help with these episodes and that they seem to help you. Mine does as well. You are not alone and there's always someone here that can relate.