Enough is enough

I’m tired. Just So tired. Enough is enough. I’m tired of being tired. I’m tired of the pain. I’m tired of the anxiety and panic attacks. I’m tired of not being able to sleep or getting sleep only not to be able to get out of bed. I’ve had enough. I just cannot do it. I’m tired of faking and pretending to be normal when I’m hurting inside. Pretending to be invisible just like this invisible illness that’s killing me. They say it’s not fatal, but honestly it is. It plays on us mentally and physically and wears us out. Has me questioning my own sanity.
Day after day, going to sleep knowing that when I wake up I’m almost certain I’ll feel horrible.
I’m tired. Enough is enough. Maybe the trauma that brung on this illness wasn’t enough. That was a way of showing me it gets worst I guess.
Just venting and I know you guys feel the same.
I’m just tired of people feeling sorry for me or telling me it’s going to be okay. It isn’t.
I’m sorry guys. I’m just having bad days and needed to get it out.

Hello Teesa,

I'm so sorry you're having some bad days, it will pass I'm sure but I know the pain and fatigue doesn't !!

I know all about panic and anxiety, it cost me my job in the end, then because of that severe emotional trauma 3 years ago I now have fibro, but I found the anxiety and panic worse to deal with than fibro.

I felt "enough is enough" 3 years ago, couldn't stand the daily panic and anxiety, I attempted suicide, despite the enormous love I have for my husband and son who was 22 then, I couldn't stand anymore, I'm now very grateful it didn't work, I had huge support and resigned from my career of 27 years in Nursing.

Yes I'm sorry you're feeling the way you are, but not in a patronising way, because I've been there!! and yes the bad days still happen, but thankfully not as often.

We're all in this together and must keep up the fight no matter how hard, and Oh some days it is sooooooo hard!!

Please feel free to get in touch, I'm here for you.

Sending you my "special love"

Lucy xx

Thank you Lucy for understanding… anxiety and the attacks are horrible. I worked as a nurse asst. It was tough. I know this day too shall paas. I sent you a friend request. Id love to chat some times

Some times we just need to vent i guess.

Thank you very much Tammy. I appreciate that

Tammy did you ever get my email

Hi Teesa! I remember you from sometime last week. I have been having a bad time as well, with what I call a severe Flare-Up! I'm so sick of being sick and docs not helping other than pushing drugs, etc. Xrays and other tests never show anything "IMPORTANT" to the docs, so I don't go anymore! That may not be good advice, but since I've been suffering with this for almost 30 years, I'm fed up with them!!!! I'm eating healthier, but can't exercise for obvious reasons, but when I feel a little ok, I tend to over-do it....then I feel worse. It's really up to us to take care of our bodies and mental health by resting! Being an active person for so many years, I walk fast, talk fast, do housekeeping, cooking, etc. FAST...I have resigned myself to the fact that I must SLOW DOWN and REST whenever I can and try NOT to FEEL GUILTY about it!! I am fortunate that I'm able to do that, although I don't like it and feel guilty! haha! That would be my advice to you dear girl. I really do believe although sometimes not feasible, REST is crucial to feeling better. I promise I will take my own advice starting...NOW! I have actually started taking my own advice today!. Stay strong sweetie, it will get better, I promise...if WE REST AND TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES! Love and hugs, Lori p.s.....btw, I normally would take Clonopin or Xanax for the panic attacks, which were horrible! Now I first go to Magnesium which I know now helps tremendously. You need to research which Magnesium is the best for you. I take 4 different kinds of Magnesium, and haven't had panic attacks in quite a while (except today!!)...so I took an extra Magnesium Taurate capsule, and they were gone! Good luck honey!

Hello Teesa,

I am very pleased to be your friend and am happy to chat anytime.

If you want to talk without it being posted anywhere you can "message" me.

I'm a good listener, may not always have a solution to our problems but am here for you.

Wishing you a better day.

Love Lucy xxx

\You never have to feel sorry here their is not one of that hasn't felt like that some on a regular basis I am never Suzi sunshine in the morning I have to take my oxy-contin I hour before even getting and people well meaning really can't imagine being in pain all day let alone 365 days a year that's why these groups are so important because they believe you they know just how bad it gets. I have got a tip for sleeping try Endep it is a common Fibro drug I take 150mg it keeps you asleep it is also a anti-depressant so it does to things and you don't get used to them so you don't have to keep uping the dose.So I hopr this helps you out a bit Luv & Hugz Jeannie

Thank u Lori. I hope the best for us both. Love u

Thank you Jeannie you’re very helpful.