I'm giving up!

This is starting to become to much for me to handle. I thought I was strong enough to handle all of this, but im not. I am sick of all the pain and not being able to sleep im over the doctors appointments. Nobody understands me I feel trapped I just wanna be free. Im no longer fighting im done I feel hopeless. Nothing is helping, I have lost people that I thought were my friends I don’t know what to do anymore!

been there, kept going, you can too

You can do it. You are stronger than you think, keep going. If your docs can't help ask for another opinion.


We have all been in your shoes.

There have been times I honestly wished I had cancer or something like that. At least I knew there would have been an end to that. I am so grateful that you have found us here. I don't know what I would do without. People that don't have Fibro, don't get it. Hold on, we are here to help!

Amberlyn, we all feel your pain and to be honest completely understand it, however I know from personal experience that whenever I feel that I cannot go on and take the pain and fatigue anymore, after a day or 2, although nothing physically has changed, I regret having ever thought like that. So please keep talking, rest and be kind to yourself.
Big gentle hugs

Thanks Bev ill try I’m in the worst flare up of my life I just wanna go away

Thanks I’m trying to be strong

Amberlyn, you don’t have to thank me, please just 'hold on’
I pray that you are released from this flare up very very soon.
Thinking of you

Thanks its so frustrating. I had 2 vent.

No no no. You cant let it get to your head! I TOTALLY empathize with your feelings right now. Get up and go for a short walk. Anything to try to get the body moving. I know the temptation to curl up in bed but give it a try and see if it helps at all.


I am crying for you, feeling your pain. Don't give up! Do you like music? I have been feeling like you a lot, and started playing some songs that really make me feel good. I take 5 or 10 minutes and sing and dance around. There's a Josh Groban song (not a danc-y one) called "Don't Give Up". I really love Joss Stone's song "Free Me", and you can find it on youtube.

I know it feels like nothing helps when you're in a really stubborn flare. I have wished for cancer (someone's Mom that I know went through chemo and her Fibro went away after that-curious). Cancer patients get all the sympathy and support. But after I have those thoughts, I too feel terrible for thinking that.

I am sending you healing thoughts and that you will find relief from your flare soon.


Hi Amberlyn, I think we all can sooo relate to how you feel !! Just yesterday I felt so over come with just wanting to be gone from all this…,there are moments, even days that I just wish I could just vanish, It’s so hard to keep going… Day after day, especially when your having so much pain & fatique. Then today I feel a bit better, yesterday I felt so sick, couldn’t even get dressed…
We have to de-stress… What ever works for us ! I get relief when I spend a few hrs at the barn around animals& horses. Sometimes I have to make myself go, because believe me I usually don’t feel like going, but I know afterwords I do feel better.
I also noticed you are only on Lyrica, sounds like you have not found the right dr’ or the right combination of med treatment .
There is hope… You can’t give up, make a list of things that you want to accomplish… Like finding the right dr. … Then work on it everyday…
Pool Therepy helps, yoga, I even did a swim class for arthritis, do you get some form of exercise everyday?
Even on my worst days I do 5 min on the recumbent bike, on good days I do it 3x a day , sometimes for only 5 min each time. It really has made a difference
You can do this… Sunny days are ahead, and with the warmer temps, yahoo ! & living in Ohio I know you can appreciate that !
Prayers for a better tomm… Hang in there :slight_smile:
We are here for you & we understand why you feel this way
Hugs & blessings

Hi amberlyn,
I read your post and I have been where you are right now. It wasn’t to long ago that I had my own post and seriously wanted out. I posted what I wanted to say. The response I recieved from all these wonderful people on here very well could have been what saved my life.

Strangers … Ah no ! I dont think so! You are all angels on here and I am so blessed!

Will I ever feel that way again? Maybe but my chances of getting through it are excellent.
Lets not look at giving up as an option. It’s not an option. You and I both can and will get through this. We can do it together if you want. I will be there for you!

I put in a friend request to you so please get back to me. I would love that. : )

Love fibroerr, ( LISA)

Oh man… I totally relate… The pain can be all-consuming. Depression can take over and if it does, it’s HARD to find HOPE. Remember, you DO have support RIGHT HERE!!! There are days that I just DON’T get dressed, I watch ‘mindless’ TV and ALLOW myself to relax. But, it can’t be EVERY DAY… I find that painting (even paint by numbers) helps take my mind away.
Let me guess… You’re a ‘type-A’ personality… Or EXPECT to be PERFECT…??? I GET IT!! I had a very responsible job as an exec. Admin for a major semiconductor company for over 15 years, 3 kids to raise, a husband, house to maintain, etc… Now, I’m going thru a divorce, my kids are doing ok, but struggling… I want to ‘be there’ 100% but I CAN’T… I tend to isolate (right now I live with my parents) and spend 95% of my time in my bedroom… I’m EXHAUSTED and sleep WHEN I can. I feel like a failure, but I know I’m not… Still, we have to find comfort in KNOWING WE WILL BE OK… God MUST have a ‘plan’ for us… Whether it’s to help others with Fibro or show ourselves and others this CAN’T beat us… I don’t know, but PLEASE don’t GIVE UP!! We all NEED each other!!
I’d love to be your Fibro-Buddy… Send me a friend request! :slight_smile:

Hi Amberlyn,

I hope you are feeling better. I have been in a horrible flare the past few days and feeling horrible. All I want to do is sleep to get away from the pain but of course the monster insomnia is rearing its ugly head. You can make it through. I feel each time I have a flare I try to figure out what caused it. I know my recent one was due to traveling and stress at work. It is hard when people do not believe you and there seems to be nothing positive going on. I believe I was given this horrible syndrome because I needed to slow down and actually take care of myself for once. I actually felt guilty every time I had to take care of myself before and it is a slow learning process to realize this is my life, I am going to live it how I want to, and I try to forget all the negative voices (including the one inside my own mind).

You can make it through this and I am here if you need me. Just reach out to any of the wonderful people on this site. We understand your pain and know what it is like to feel helpless and not want to go on. But as others have said we all go on. I try to treasure those moments when I have less pain because I never know when another flare is going to happen. I believe in you and am here to listen. Vent away girl we are all here for you and know how you feel.


Hi Amberlyn, my name is Karlyn. I am new to this sight but everything you are saying are old and some not so old friends of mine too! I couldn't agree more about the feelings of just giving up. After days maybe sometimes weeks of being bedridden it's impossible to think of anything else. What is there to look forward to....? More pain, sleepless nights, loneliness? I want to give up so often but I have family. Do you have family, friends or a pet that loves you and would miss you. Sometimes that's all it takes and maybe one good day to make us want to stay. I just got here and I would really like it if you would just hang in there and share with me.I am so sorry you are in that place where you life just sucks! But I think you could help me by sharing more about you. I feel like my only reason for staying is just in case one of my children or grandchildren get Fibromyalgia they will not be alone. And maybe the more I try to get well something will work and they won't have to thru all that I have.. So what (or who) is it that really keeps you going every day? I would love to listen if you wish to share. Thinking of you since you posted last night. Karlyn

Thanks so much you made me cry happy tears I know things will get better but I’m 24 I can hardly work because I usually get fired from jobs because I call of r to many doctor appointments im keeping my head up. U do the same! Gentle hugs.

There are degrees of giving up, If giving up means that denial is behind you, then it can be a good thing. You will not get the medical or self care that you need and deserve while someone is in denial, be it you or your Physician.

But feeling hopeless, well, we just cannot give in to it, at least for long. There are so many levels of fibro, and what may be hiding behind fibro, that it's an on going process of getting the wind knocked out of us, catching our breath, regrouping and getting back in the game.

Learning what you can and should no long do, what you stress over and what you just let roll, are part of the process, and it's more than just one thing, one time.

I know how strong you are, that you have much to live for, to love and embrace. I know you'll be back up and fighting in no time!

Love and hugs,


That was me about two weeks ago when I had a really bad flare chickadee. Keep going.

Thanks so much for everything. I do have family and a dog that loves me!