My fibro symptoms all started after a hysterectomy. I read one thing the other day about bio identical pellets inserted under the skin. I am on bio identical hormone replacement now. Has anyone else noticed symptoms after hysterectomy. Mine started with the fatigue and I went thru numerous adrenal test and blood work. Everything was normal. Finally a year later my Rheumy diagnosed Fibro. I don’t have a lot of severe pain as some of you report, mostly fatigue and stiffness if I stay in one position too long, especially in my hips. Discussion anyone?
I had a cyst removed from my right ovary and was diagnosed with severe endo and they discovered my whole abdominal cavity was full of scar tissue causing my large intestines and colon to be adhered to the abdominal wall.
8 weeks after the surgery I was disabled. Off work and in bed with severe fatigue and pain for a few months. Literally in bed all day long and all night long. Some days I was only up long enough to cook a dinner and was back in bed before I could eat it.
5 months later I had the hysterectomy and my severe stomach pain left. I still have IBS pain. but it was far less intense than before the surgery.
It seems that quite a few people get fibro after surgery. The most common stress factors that seem to bring on fibro include: surgery, job stress and long hours, car accidents. I'm sure there are others, too, but these seem to be the biggies. We theorize that fibro is already there in our system but the switch isn't turned on to start it until a significant stressor impacts our body. Then on goes the fibro switch and the h*ll begins.
Many of us also have it in the back and hips.
All I can say is that I'm really sorry that you have fibro. but I hope it stays relatively mild for you. That's a good thing.
Please feel free to come back and ask more questions. We're here for you!
I have noticed that when I am pregnant my Fibro is soooo much better. I wondered myself about hormones being a part of treatment? or cause? or somehow related... any thoughts?
Maybe it's in a type of remission. I know MS does during pregnancy and while nursing. My daughter in law was very happy when she found that out.
Yes, my worst pain started after my hysterectomy too, especially hips. I've heard of the bio-identical hormone cream, haven't heard of the pellets. Will have to research how long they last, but I feel safer with the cream because it's not a foreign object in my body for my immune system to attack, making auto-immune disease flare up. Before the hysterectomy I had pleurisy and incapacitating weakness and lupus lung problems, but after, I got the full symptoms of fibro. Really interesting that you noticed this connection, because doctors assume Fibro has something to do with female hormones because of the higher incidence of Fibro among women than men.
Ciarawyn, I also was better when I was pregnant. Made me want to stay pregnant, but there were complications with second baby due to my lupus.