I am 6 weeks post hysterectomy. I was doing really well until Sunday. This weekend I helped a friend pack and stack boxes for her move. I also had sex with my husband for the first time. Now I feel like my lower abdomen is going to drop out of my body. It feels like I have been punched a million times. I think I may have over done it. But it has been 6 weeks, has anyone else had a hysterectomy? How long did it take you to recover?
Also, I seem to be more depressed and more anxious since the hysterectomy. They didn't take my ovaries so it shouldn't be hormones. I just got back from my psychiatrist and she is increasing my depression medication. I am now even more depressed. Does this get better?
Hello. I had a complete hysterectomy 13 years ago. In fact, that was the “trigger” people refer to that started my fibro I believe. I think six weeks is a little soon for all the activity you did. I went back to work early, and although I mainly sat at a desk with my feet up, I too felt like my abdomen was going to drop out. Such a weird feeling! My doctor had always told me to hold a pillow over my lower abdomen all the time, especially when walking or getting up. It really helped with that feeling and I actually did that for several months. Maybe give it a try if you haven’t already.
Take it easy. It is a long recovery. Several months really for your body to heal and adjust, especially with fibro. You’ll feel better soon. I wasn’t myself at all for the first couple months, then everything started getting back to normal. You’ve made it through the hardest part.
Hi, I had a partial hysterectomy like you did many a few years ago. I had them leave my cervix as well. I'm not sure if you did or not? Also, How the surgery was done could have made a difference too. With mine it was done with three small incisions on my abdomen. It took me a couple weeks to moving around like before with light duty, and a couple more to be back to my normal self. As for the depression, I don't typically have depression, but I can see how this could be a trigger or worsen it for some. For me, before and shortly after, I felt a little depressed from time to time simply for the fact that I had to face that I would never have children. I don't know if you are a believer or not, but what helped get me through was that I had come to the realization that I believed God had a different plan for me. I know not every surgery is done the same and not every person heals the same either. Mine was also done before my fibro is what it is now. Best of luck with your recovery. I wish you the best.
So, I am doing better as far as the pain from the hysterectomy site goes. I have taken it a little easier and hopefully that allowed things to heal better. Thank you for sharring your advice and experiences.