
My Mom just survived breast cancer. She now has 5 weeks of radiation she just began. I have been as supportive as I can through all of this, but, feel like my Mom and sister are not being supportive when I need them. I am going through a lot. My doctor thinks I am having these constant partial seizures and that is why I have these twitches, tremors, spasms, vibrations, and electric shock sensations throughout my body relentlessly every day. I have even lost the use of one foot for a while. I am having a lot more than just that, but, my doctor put me on 3 new meds and it is all very painful and scary. I also am only 9 days away from having a hysterectomy. Anytime I have an appointment they will ask how it went and then act like my answer is irrelevant and cut me off and talk about Mom's appointments! It is not that I don't care, but, they have always been very dismissive of me and right now I need support. I messaged my sister today and said 9 days until surgery, because I need her support and I am freaking out a little, and she replied "24 days of radiation" .... I seriously almost died of a kidney infection once and when I called to let them know what was going on and that I was hospitalized, all my mom said was"I suppose you won't be making it to your sister's baby shower then." I am sad. My hubby is supportive, but, I really wish I had a mom and sister who were supportive. I know they never will be, but, it hurts so bad.

Thank you for responding! I know what talking to them will do. They will twist my words on me and turn it into a big fight. I am better off just venting to strangers, lol. As far as the hysterectomy, what kind did you have? I guess I am having a total lapriscopic and keeping my ovaries. I am getting mixed answers from friends about some stuff. One friend said I will still have hot flashes even with my ovaries. I believe a lot of my trouble started after having my tubes tied and cauterized. So, it scares me to think I could either be done with my issues or making the whole mess worse. I am almost 8 days away and my kids got sick , so, that worries me too. I called the surgeons office to clarify questions about my meds and labs ,etc. So, I feel okay as far as that goes. In June I had a bad reaction to the annestisea so they are not going to use that one, hopefully I will not have that kind of problem this time. I don't know, it is a whirlwind of emotions going on right now and my hubby is only home on weekends, none of my friends have gone through this, so, your support is amazing!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.