Fibro and tattoo

Hi everyone!

So I would like to get a tattoo and I even know what I want (a purple butterfly with the word Faith). But I keep asking myself if a tattoo hurts more for us than for 'healthy' people?

Does someone here have experience with this?

Thanks :)


I love tats! I have a few myself. I think tattoo's are a mental game when you get them. I have always been a wuss, long before fibro set it. Either way, I was able to handle the pain of getting a tattoo. There are some nifty skin numbing creams on the market. They have lidocaine in them and if applied a few times before the tat, it will help with a lot of the pain. You'll feel mostly the pressure.

The worst part of it for me is always a yucky feeling when the tattoo artist goes over the same spot again and again, wiping it down with a paper towel. I'd label it as pain, but with a stronger "yuck" factor than "ouch".

Good luck!

I have several and if it is on a bony area their tends to be more pain the one on my anckle hurt worst than the one on my arm but once the outline is done your pretty numb. I don't remember much of a difference in the pain from the ones i got years before my diagnoses. If you put tattos in the search at the top you will find other discussion thay may help. Let us know what you decide

I have gotten 2 tattoos since diagnosis. The placing of the tat is more important than being a FMS survivor. The one on my ankle - so much more painful than the one on my shoulder blade.

Pain wise...

Fat, Muscle, Tendons/Ligaments, Joints, Bone

At least, that's what I've found.

Also, good for you! I hope you post pics!

I got my first one in Oct. The thinking about it was worse than the actual tattoo. I was really surprised. Its on my shoulder blade. Even the lady that did it was surprised ...I told her about the fibro before she started.

Thanks everyone! My best friends are going with me, so I have the emotional support I need I think. The only problem is the money right now, but as soon as I get that together I'm going to do it ;)

I want it on my upper leg on the outside, so I'll still be able to hide it when needed. I also think that's one of the less painful spots?

I sketched the tat myself, I'll post a picture tomorrow!

I am getting my first one tomorrow. A memorial for my Mom, on my chest above my heart.