I have had this flare since satrday. It still hang around it hard to bear. i that i can handle the flare. since then my son 's family drop his christmas give, and he went to see his cousin play basketball. he grades drop, and this is every time he goes around him. he was happy doing great before, but last night he said he feel blank inside, confuse. I don't know what they say to him. but he begin to act out. but when he decise to leave them along he great responsible happy. then went for my hearing and lawyers said good job i have to wait 30 days that find. but my son grades dropping is worrying me and i don't know what to do. i try to do lil activities with him like playing madden. No he down on hisself, he call hiself mean. i need Help! I have Pray. I know God handle it ,but know i feel lost.
I, too, have had to deal with an issue somewhat like yours. I tried to do activities, encourage him, try to build confidence, and nothing worked. In the end, I took my child to a counselor. It took some time, but my child improved. I think if you are at the point you don't know what to do, then take him to someone who does know what to do. If he said he feels blank inside, then, in my opinion, he may be depressed. It's a good idea to at least let him talk to the counselor once to see what they say. I wish you and your son much luck! Hugs to you both!
I feel your pain, we worry so much about our kids, but in this case I would talk to him, try to get him to open up about how he feels, if he feels blank inside he is surely struggling, my guess is he is a teenager ? I would call around and find a good counselor, if you belong to a church sometimes they can recommend someone, or call crisis services and ask how you can get him evaluated.
A change in grades is a red flag, along with what he said, your a good mom to pick up on this,
Stay strong & keep praying for him, but try to get him in to talk to someone
My son was a video game junkie … I thought I was going to loose my mind, counseling did help
Many hugs & blessings
Dear Glenedia,
Though my son is grown with kids and a grandkid of his own, I have my had my moments with him as a teen, and certainly my parents had their times with me. I would have to agree with dee and Susan, and try to get him to a professional. Try to choose someone who your son would admire and relate to. Those are really tough years, and even though you love him with all of your heart, it may take someone else to get him to 'open up' and really talk about it!
My heart is with you, my friend, I know you are hurting for him! I hope you can get this resolved.
Love and hugs,
Hi Dee - Laurie here! When I was first diagnosed with the Fibromyalgia, my children were 3 and 5. NOT the best ages for a mother to get sick with Fibro!! There was so much I couldn't participate in, in raising them, but I count my blessings - because they turned out just fine and have great lives of their own now. There was, for a while, a lot of resentment from my daughter due to the fact that she didn't really understand when I couldn't participate in being with her as much as I should've been. But I certainly made up for it by always being there for her, and listening to whatever she needed to talk about. To this day, she still has resentment towards me and it used to bother me so much. But, I learned to let go of it - as she is now 32 and it's time, I feel, to just get over it!! You know what I mean? In her younger days, I gave her plenty of opportunities to talk to me and tell me what is wrong. To this day, she still won't talk to me about it. So, I am in the dark as far as why she has such animosity towards me. I learned to let go of this, with the thought that I did the best I could and thankfully, my son, Jason is very much in my life. So, all that you said to Glenedia, is exactly what I would've told her. Dee, you really give good advice, and I am always interested to see what you have to say on the Discussion board. Laurie
Thank you so much!
thank you ! I talked to him. He does want to make the decision about seeing his father family, because they get im confused.
Thank You so much! i think I have!
Hi Glenedia - I emailed you yesterday, but I wanted you to know that I am thinking about you and do hope you are taking it easy. Are you feeling any better today? Whatever you need to talk about, don't hesitate to email the group, as we are our best supporters! Hugs, Laurie