Fibro flare ups some of the things i have tried

I have had fibro for 7 years, been diagnosed for 5. I have tried various things for flare ups and would like to pass some on. Some have worked for me and some have not. I currently use a combination but what worked last time may not work this time. Sorry if you have heard them before. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Ginger and green tea, i sweeten with honey maybe you could use Manuka honey.

I used to have a chinese herbalist make me up a drink for pain releif and relaxation, it had ginko, ginger, ginseng and lots of other things. This was quite expensive though so i can't really afford it now.

I lay on the floor on top of quilts, to soften and have all shapes and sizes of cushions. I wriggle around and use the cushions where needed. I sometimes have my feet up on the sofa and my back on the floor with a cushion under it, it seems to releive some of the pressure on the bottom of my spine. It doesn't matter how it looks. I would swing from the ceiling if it helped.

Homemade steam room. I run all the taps in the bathroom close the door and window and just let the steam build up. I then take a chair and sit in there. I use sandalwood in an oil burner because i don't like the smell of lavender any relaxing oil will do. It seems to permeate the steam and added to warmth can feel really nice.

EAT, EAT AND MORE EAT, i never feel like eating when the pain is bad but if you can eat you will feel better. Maybe not immediately but you will. Try to eat a full meal and not pick. Use some of the foods recommended for fibro.

Keep warm. Turn up the heating! Get your warm soft flare up clothes. I personally have the ugliest brown cardigan but its soft and light ideal.

Cry. Its ok to cry and you may feel better. I know i do sometimes. It doesn't make you weak and its an outlet.

Stay hydrated, i get lost in my pain and forget everything, remember to drink.

I bath in a swimsuit due to an unfortunate incident a few years ago where my back went into spasm and i got stuck in the bath. My mortified 14 year old son came home a couple of hours and had to lift me naked out of the bath. In a swimsuit you can also get out the bath wrap a towel round you, put on a dressing gown and lay straight back down. As its a swimsuit it dries quickly.

Find bath salts that suit you, i use epsom salts. I also have a warm bath not hot. I have steps with a rail that are moveable a sweet friend made them for me. They are ugly but a life saver.

I bought a huge variable shower head, i think it was for a two person shower. The bigger the head the less pressure makes it feel like rain rather than bullets.

I live and die in a kaftan. Its large, lightweight and has poppers. I have even showered in it!

Distract yourself. I personally am not very good at this one. I try reading and end up reading the same line over and over. I always have music on and am currently into crosswords.

Dicloflam, i used to use this in a flare up but its not available in the UK a friend used to bring it back from Turkey for me. She moved home to Turkey so no more.

Positive affirmations. These dont work for me but i have a friend with ME we personalised hers with pictures of her, her kids and things she enjoys with her favourite uplifting quotes on the computer. We laminated them and her little ones use crayons to draw on them so they are around her and being useful.

Massage, if you can afford it get someone in. If not do it yourself, a bit of oil and a nice rub can help. I have also found you can get younger kids involved in this. It may not be the best massage but you are entertaining them at the same time. Play simon says so they copy what you do.

I try to take as few pills as possible but when its bad take them and take as many you need that is what they are for. I currently use oxynorm and have no worries about taking it every 4 hours in a flare up.

Give yourself a break! Think about yourself! Everything will still be there tomorrow or the day after. Push yourself in a flare up and it will last longer.

I don't exercise in a flare up i find it hard to move at all. I also want to punch people that tell me to keep moving. I use a common technique for relaxation tightening muscles as from your toes upwards. Just tighten hold let go. This may cause cramp but i have found it can help and you can do it laying down.

Mud pack. I have all different size ones, they go in the microwave and keep there heat for ages. They are also mouldable and soft enough to lay on.

Get a flare friend. I am lucky I have some really great friends. I have explained my illness to them and although they can't really understand I tell them about flare ups, how bad it gets. They don't have to understand everything just that when you tell them its a flare up they know you really need help. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP. I do not always take my own advice.

Get a foot spa. Put your feet in warm massaging water, seems to help everywhere. Not always practical due to filling it up.

I have a flare box it contains a combination of the above things, meds, tea bags, soft clothing, cushions and quilts, crossword books and as i am a smoker a packet of cigs. The box lives in the hallway cupboard and comes out when needed so i don't have to hunt for things.

These are some of the things i do to cope. They will not stop it but may make it a bit more bearable. Even with these things i sometimes lay on the floor and cry, i cant hear anyone, eat, drink or think about anything but the pain and thats ok too. Best of luck. Sending you sunshine from the UK x

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All very good strategies! I have an infrared sauna I got from ebay for about $150. I sit in it and "detox"/warm up. But sometimes the heat hurts the surface of the skin and I have to stop. Depends on the day. I think 2 days later I actually feel the effects. I've also stopped looking at things and participating in things that stress me. Actively. Like people who post upsetting things on Facebook. I stopped following them. My tolerance for negativity and negative people is becoming thin. I have an urban rebounder, a 36" trampoline that can be leaned up against the wall when not in use. I bounce to keep some semblance of a cardio vascular fitness going as I never know how long I can go walking outside before the FM takes hold and makes it hard to get back home. I'm sorry the pain gets so bad you cry. I've done "laughing yoga" in the past before the FM, and they say "fake it until you make it" Which they mean: your body can't tell the difference between fake laughter and real laughing and they both produce endorphans that lift your spirits. So I force myself to laugh more whenever it strikes me to. Nuts, but when your body gives you so much to be miserable about, it seems intuitively healing to start laughing to balance it out. Prayers for integration into spirit!


Some great hints and tips there.....I love your idea of swinging off the ceiling if it would help!!! I don't know what my cats would make of that one!!!

When I'm on the floor, having a good stretch they think it's a game and start rolling all over me!!

I don't have a flare up box but when things are bad it's the soft loose clothing that I reach for, even soft jumpers feel like sandpaper rubbing my skin.......and, yes, like you, a big mug of tea and a ciggie....sitting in my comfy doesn't match the other chairs in the room but I found it in a furniture charity shop, still covered in plastic....brand new.....oh it's lovely.....I just sink into it, drink my tea and have a'm afraid stopping smoking is not an option!! I can't drink alcohol as it doesn't mix with my pills, my career of 27 years has ended thanks to anxiety and fibro and I've come through a major breakdown 4 years the cigs stay!!

I love knitting and I'm so glad that fibro has not robbed me of that, I'm not as quick as I used to be but every evening you'll find me in my comfy armchair, watching TV in my pj's with my needles clicking away!! I find it helps keep my mind off what my body is doing!! and keeps my brain active as some of the patterns are quite complicated, plus it's something I can just put down if my arms are aching.

Are you in-land in Kent or on the coast? We're in Brentwood Essex but we love having a day by the sea, about an hour from us, the sea air is lovely and just sitting watching the waves is nice and calming!!

Have you tried Diclofenac.? that is what's in Dicloflam and is available here from your GP...just a thought!!

Hoping you're having a flare free time at the moment!!

Love Lucy xx

Thank you so much for this post. This although not a pleasant subject has been very useful. I do not personally know anybody else with Fibro, so finding this website is brilliant. There are so many ideas here that I have not thought of but am sure to try.
It makes interesting reading to see how others cope in Fibro Flare, we are all different, have different symptoms and different coping strategies.
Lizzy. Xx