Fibro Fog and walking

I don’t completely understand the term Fibro Fog ? Mine is just not the occasional loss for words . It is the Derealization of the environment around me . Is it possible for everyone with FM to experience different Fibro Fog symptoms . Home is so much more comforting for me rather than motion in a public space.

My chain reaction is Nightly interrupted sleep , neck pain upon waking ,
Stressed & Depressed I am tired and in pain then the Fog hits…
Then if the weather is extremely hot or cold I am totally debilitated .
I would love input on this , so I can better cope with this horrific way of living life .

I too have the feeling that I am disconnected. It comes and goes - No particular trigger ... at least I have not pinpointed what does trigger it. I do notice that around my menstral cycle I tend to feel that disconnected feeling more so. And like you the extreme weather affects me so much. In fact I have a graduation to go to tomorrow that I am dreading because it is supposed to be over 90 with high humidity and I know I am going to pay for going for days.

Fibro fog to me is a lot harder to deal with than the pain, I hate the short term memory loss, the "air-headedness", and not being able to do a simple task at times. Thank god I'm a natural blond...that has gotten me through some embarrassing moments! They joke with me at work.... "That's your blond moment for the day...." Seriously, I do feel really stupid sometimes.

This is a horrible disease ... for me it is always something different... sometimes pain, sometimes anxiety, sometimes fibro fog, sometimes tiredness ... everyday is different.... I cherish those days when I do feel normal.

Susan, the only thing I can say after dealing with this disease for over 20 years is that for me, staying busy, staying active, watching what I eat/drink, and trying to keep a positive attitude has helped me cope with the fibro. I for one am not going to let this disease stop me from living a productive life. There is no cure and no magic pill, some days are just going to be better than others for us.