Is this fibro fog?

Hello, I hope everyone is having a good day. I have a question about the fibro fog. How bad has this gotten for some? I have better days then some as far as the feeling of "fog" goes but my memory seems to be getting worse. Is this part of the actual fog? When I first experienced it, it was more like a moment of confusion and trying to find my words but now my memory is truly starting to struggle and starting to effect parts of my daily life. What can I expect?

The worst or most worrisome issue for me with the fog is forgetting whether I’ve just taken pills or not. My usual regiment is kept in pill boxes marked with the days so that isn’t a problem but if I need to take Advil (for example) I have been known to take the pills and literally seconds later forget if I’d actually taken them. If my husband or daughter are around I try to tell them when I take a dose so they help me remember not only that I took them but when so I don’t overlap. If they’re not around…well…when in doubt I just don’t take a dose. My memory issues are a running joke in my house which is fine because sometimes you need to laugh and it can be comical.

Hi Traci,

It depends upon how busy I am on a given day. Memory is always an issue, always has been for me. But if I overdo it, like when I was still working, I'd just sit in a stupor I'd be so affected. Couldn't think to save my life.I would say not legally competent to sign a contract when in that state, that's how bad it can get. And I find that my reading is affected and now I'm even having trouble with remembering numbers, like the cost of something. I completely misremember it.

But then there are days when I'm much sharper. Keeping well rested is key - yeah I know, hahaha, right? But since we aren't getting the right amount of sleep, guess what? Our memories are affected! It's a vicious cycle.

I don't think that fibro permanently affects our memories, and I think that's what you're worrying about. But yes, it can do quite a number on them during those times when we are beyond exhausted. With a goodly amount of rest, things seem to fall back into place mentally.

Gentle hugs and complete understanding of your fear,


thank you for replying, rest is the key here, yes you're right hahaha. I have to find the time it's as simple as that, I do not like being like this!

Hi Traci,

Fibro fog, for me, gets worse or better depending on how run down I am. When I overdo it, it gets worse to the point I cant even think to talk or remember anything, and when I rest, like Petunia puts so perfectly, it gets better.

Managing fibro and the fog is quite hard and you need to pace yourself as best as you can. Easier said than done, but don't worry it will not get worse and worse until you've totally lost your mind altogether. It's a way of telling you to take it easy for a bit, or that you need to re-evaluate your daily life. Working too much and not sleeping enough is guranateed to mess with your mind, as well as stress!!

Memory is part of the fibro fog, as well as concentration and speech problems. Sometimes some things are too boring that our brains just are not interested. Some times they are too complex for the fibro. My brain was amazing before I got fibro, especially with really complex maths problems. Now I accept that I cant do that so much anymore, no matter how hard I try.

But try not to worry too much. Its not like dementia where it gets worse and unreversable. We're just a little bonkers some times. And I love it!!

My family and I have fun with it too. They all have jokes, my sister says it's worse under bright lights and thinks it's funny to dim them in my fibrofog moments. I have an amazing and supportive family, all of them... my husband, 3 kids, grandson, my sister and my parents have all been amazing. I just became concerned when I was having troubles at work, but you all have eased my loopy brain thank you!! One more question, I work full time and I am in college full time (on line of course) my husband wants me to apply for disability but I am not so sure. I hear so many stories that are so much worse then mine I feel bad doing that. We know I will be dined at first but he said he wanted to start the process. I have only officially been diagnosed for 7 months and I have an amazing doctor who by the way suggested I either quit school or work warning me I am doing too much. I can't quit work, we moved 1 1/2 years ago and have a nice house payment and I have 1 1/2 years left of school and I am not going to give up. My family wants me to apply so I can focus on school and take the time to rest. Opinions? Advice? Suggestions?

That's great that you have good support and you can all laugh at it too. Laughter is the best medicine for fibro I think.

No wonder you're suffering with the fibro fog though! Wow! How are you actually still functioning at all is what I'm thinking?! I would listen to everyone and mostly listen to your body and mind. Personally I will not give up til I drop but its not always good, especially if you lose your job or something.

Can you afford to reduce your hours? Maybe just for a trial period to see if you can cope? To be honest if you try to carry on you will drop eventually, trust me, but we've all done it despite the warnings. We have to learn for ourselves. Its not easy to choose to quit something we really want to continue. Psychologically. But your family and doctor know that you can't carry on the way you're going so its just you that you're battling with. Acceptance is hard.

I tried carrying on with two jobs, lost both, then went back to college a year later, whilst doing some voluntary work and now I am self-employed with a little extra help and manage my own work, although it is not regular enough for me. Its either all or nothing sometimes. Its hard either way but I know for a fact there is no point me even trying to get a full-time job again. Its just what I've learned from experience after 8 years.

I'm so proud of you, like your family are, for being a soldier though! There's so many people in the world that just give up and make excuses to sit and wallow for the rest of their lives.

Good luck with everything Traci!

Hello Traci,

Like a lot of replies here, my fogs are worse when I'm really tired, am trying to do too many things at once or if I'm feeling poorly.

I get fogs everyday but they vary in intensity, but by mid-day when I've been busy doing my chores etc during the morning, I seem to crash with severe tiredness and it's then that my brain seems to mal-function!

The words just won't come out!! If my husband asks where something is in the house, I can see it in my mind but my mouth won't say where it is, quite often I'll just laugh and say "fog alert" and take him to where the thing is !!!

I've become accustomed to these fogs now and if my day allows it I have an afternoon nap, I find by switching off and shutting the world out for an hour or so helps me carry on for the rest of the day/evening.

Love Lucy xx