More often than not these days, I feel like a stunned bunny, trying to get my thoughts to mesh together so I can make sense of them. Trying very hard to build a business, I need to be on top of things, but I swear there are hours in the day (too many hours) that I do not function, Nothing is getting done, I am not productive. Besides just waiting, which is usually hoping tomorrow is clearer, is there anything that helps?
I find there are some foods that make me worse. Dairy is a culprit for me for example.
Also smells cause brain fog. Get rid of al air freshness, no perfume, switch to natural household cleaners and add some eucalyptus oil to some of the cleaners if you want a smell. Smelling eucalyptus helps to clear the fog.
I hate to be negative, but on those days my motor skills are also effected. It is best for me to stay at home. I loose my vocabulary. Everything goes crazy. If you find out, fill me in. Good luck with your business. I don’t work.
Amber...So sorry about this fibro fog. I have dealt with it but I do not work. If you are building a business the good news is that you have some flexibility. I find that mearly accepting the "fog" and NOT fighting it are very helpful. Sometimes on those days I will play word games or do arts and crafts which keeps the right brain going. Hope it helps
Most symptoms are caused by insomnia.
But everybody is different.
If you can work on that there should be some improvements.
I recently started paxil and take it around 6:00 pm.
Side effect is it makes you tired.Which is a good thing.
It was prescribed for mood swings.
I find the fibro-fog the most annoying part of FMS. For me it means that I have to stay home (or call my husband to come get me if I’m out somewhere). It is quite dangerous for me to drive and even talking on the phone is difficult because I can’t think of words or follow the conversation. For me it is definately not medication related nor does good sleep prevent it. However, lack of sleep is one stimulus. For me it is like an aura that precedes a flare-up of pain. I, also am unable to work primarily because of this. I can bear the pain but I can’t function in a fog. I’ve learned that the best thing for me to do is prayer, meditation, reflecting on a thought or reading that appeals to me, listening to the radio (NPR mostly), reading something silly or watching a comedy. However, often my eyes hurt at the same time and light hurts. I, too, am sorry to be negative. Being on disability has reduced my stress about these times and now I see them a part of a pattern of my life, sort of like exhaling.
Lavender and peppermint are also soothing.
Like tricky123, I also lose my motor skills so I stay home. Talking on the phone is a trial as I am constantly searching for the right word and sometimes even forget what the point of my story is. I don't gt on the computer to write or answer an email b/c during the 'fog' I transpose my letters thus my spelling is ridiculous. I feel that lack of good sleep & escalation of pain will bring the fog on so I try try try to get as much sleep & naps as possible. My Dr. has not found a pain killer that my body will tolerate....the side-effects end up being worse than the pain.
One thing I've noted is if I spray Windex as a cleaner on just about everything...I don't feel quite so much like your 'stunned bunny' feeling but any other usual cleaners is a no no. I don't understand it but the Windex (to me) is like being outside in the fresh air or rainfall. We seem to be all affected by different things. debdrake says dairy makes her feel worse..yet having a dish of yoghurt presents no problems for me.
My eyes itch & blur during the 'fog' time so I might as well just go to bed as lights, T.V. , reading me pure nutso. Which of course means a whole lot of bed-time for me.
I too would really like a solution to this part of the dreaded Fibro.
Oh yes...I find the scent of lavender very soothing also.
irishroots said:
Lavender and peppermint are also soothing.
I find that also SarahW........much easier to nap/sleep during the day opposed to night. I also wonder why this is..but thankfully don't work anymore so don't feel the need to schedule myself. Another Fibro person told me some time ago to not worry about my housework b/c nobody is going to break in and steal it. That made me laugh at the time but now I just consider it a comforting thought.
SarahW said:
I also am on disability so i have a bit more flexibility with "fog" days. But what I find most help is to get some sleep. Sometimes it is easier to fall asleep during the day for whatever strange reason. So i take a nap. I liked the eucaliptus suggestion too. I've tried that and it does help. I really don't have many ideas on what triggers it. But my first line of defense always seems to be to sleep. Whatever time it is.
I do work and keep on a strict schedule.
Actually I was always the type of person who liked a schedule to maintain...but after a severely botched back surgery, I am unable to work anymore and had a very difficult time adjusting to 'no' schedule for quite some time. Then along came the dreaded FM to join the endless back pain..thus I eventually gave up on my 'once tight schedules.
I quite miss the social aspect of being gainfully employed..but it is unfortunately not to be for me now.
irishroots said:
I do work and keep on a strict schedule.
vitamin B-12 sublingual tabs help some people but not much for me. I am worse in stressful situations and when I'm tired which is a lot of the time. Also drink something with electrolytes. It is hard to fight the fog. I play Scrabble which helps me keep my mind active. But there are times I can't think of words and feel like a blithering idiot. Frustrating!
irishroots said:
I do work and keep on a strict schedule.
I don’t know what happened to my comment! Not typing over…
One of the major reasons for problems with memory to begin with is the interruption of brain processes from the pain dynamics. Also, there is insufficient oxygen in parts of the brain. With fibro fog we can actually start changing the structure and function of the brain through focusing and concentrating through meditation, particularly mindfulness meditation.
I wish I had a good answer. I am 42 and in my second year if pharmacy school. I guess because I have to be alert and attentive to learn complicated things about drugs and diseases, it helps. But, some days when I work in groups I can’t find the words right away to participate and get frustrated. I have horrible sleeping patterns which most likely contribute. Iam sure I will feel better in a few weeks when finals are over! I am exhausted therefore I have brain fog.
Are you taking any prescriptions?
I was recently put on paxil for mood swings.
I started taking it in the morning and was sleeping all aftrenoon after work.
I take it now around 6:00 pm.It sleep better and my eyes open at 6:00 am.
Every day.Its only been ninteen days and doesn’t fix all of my problems but its
been a big change.
Hope this helps someone on here.
I have heard sleep apnea is a big problem for folks with fibro. I just started using the CPAP machine for my sleep apnea and notice my thinking is clearer. It gives the brain some much needed O2 at night
I agree about the need for sleep. I have found taking a nap in the day time helps with the fog and like others my coordination goes as well. I have recently increased my dosage amount for sertraline ( I found it helped with my memory problems a few years ago. The increased dosage has improved it a little more
SarahW said:
I also am on disability so i have a bit more flexibility with "fog" days. But what I find most help is to get some sleep. Sometimes it is easier to fall asleep during the day for whatever strange reason. So i take a nap. I liked the eucaliptus suggestion too. I've tried that and it does help. I really don't have many ideas on what triggers it. But my first line of defense always seems to be to sleep. Whatever time it is.