Fibro-fog: talking while on autopilot--does anyone else do this?

Thank you, Miriam. It is so good to know I am not alone :)

Thank you B2chi. Yes, indeed, life with fibro is never boring ;)

Hi Kimberly and welcome. You've come to the right place to ask your questions. As weird of an illness as this is, you'll find someone on here whose experiences match yours and who can offer a shoulder to lean on.

As for the driving and zoning out, yes, I've been doing it a lot lately. I'm glad my son was working with me on Friday because I kept zoning out and driving past the right street or house. Totally frustrating! I commiserate with you on this, Kimberly. It's not fun to be so tired that you just zone out all info. On another occasion, I headed home after work, only to realize I'd driven up to my former home, in another town, thinking I was home! I was shocked to realize I'd done this once I came out of my funk. So I get where you're coming from. I do think it's related to fatigue from the pain and lack of sleep.

In terms of zoning while talking, mine comes out as weird words that come out of my mouth when I'm tired and can't remember the name of something, so I say something stupid instead. Like I'll say the word of something I'm looking at instead of the real word. Or I jumble up words, and end up stuttering.

As you can see, you're not alone in fibro fogging. Not at all. In fact, I give you credit for being able to say something sensible for an hour when you're snockered from the fog.

If you remain concerned over this issue I'd bring it up with your doctor. That might be the best way to set your mind at ease.

Thanks for starting this discussion. I think that many of us are afraid to talk about fibro fog's effect upon our minds, so we don't ask. It took a lot of courage for you to do so. And I'm sure that more than one person is sighing from relief that you did bring it up so they didn't have to.



Hi Petunia,

You and everyone else here have already set my mind at ease. I so appreciate all the support and advice!

I have done the "not being able to find the right word" thing, and when I stutter, I tell people my brain is working faster than my tongue, which always gets a chuckle and gives me a minute to think ;)

I am so glad I brought this subject up too, I had no idea it would be so popular! It's so nice to know I am not alone!

Gentle Huuuggss, Kimberly :)

Hi Kimberly,

Chronic pain changes us, every one of us, and so do the meds. Who knows, it could even be some type of coping method? I'm not sure if this link is an exact fit to your post, but it's interesting! Even well people experience the 'autopilot' when driving, our subconscious mind takes over, and takes us home.

Don't be too hard on yourself, the conversation could be on a worse topic, like a never-ending dissertation of our ills! I know I am not the dazzling conversationalist I used to be when I was out and about in the world, and I don't know if this is the right answer, but I did want to respond to you!

Sending you hugs,


Ummmmm, yeah it totally happens. It kinda sucks and people don’t get it sometimes, but the people that love and care about you just chalk it up to quirkiness and most of the time you don’t have to explain the whole “fibro thing” for the millionth time. You’re not alone. I haven’t really found any tricks. If it hits and you really have stuff you have to do I would suggest the caffeine free 5-hour energy shot. It has gotten me through many a fibro fog and the caffeine free kind makes it easier for us to tolerate. Also sometimes finding a little something to snack or munch on can help sort of snap you out of it a bit. Hope this helps!!

Thank you, everyone, for your comments and reassurances, and SK, thanks for the link to the article, I can't wait to read it!

Emily, you are right a snack often snaps me out of the fog, I just forget about that sometimes ;)

And ☈@ttled 1

you are so right, it is just part of daily management, and just being aware I am doing it helps, also it helps so much that others do it too. My adult (43) nephew, who lives with me, so doesn't understand fibro and acts like I am just being an a**hole :( I'm going to print some of this thread out and show it to him!

Thank you all again and gentle hugs to you all!!!

Kimberly xo

I do this a lot too. It almost feels like drunk talking if that makes sense. It feels to me like I'm outside my own body and watching my mirror reflection chattering away, but I can't seem to get her to stop. I am not sure why this happens, but it does happen to me quite often. :/ Its embarrassing and even when I try to explain myself to family and friends they just look at me with disbelief and reason that I should be able to control myself. I wish I could.

Yepper, drunk talking, that is so much like what is seems!

Hugs xo