Fibro Fog

Because I know we are all unique in our own ways yet so much alike in our commonalities of Fibro, I was wondering if some of you would mind sharing your experiences with what Fibro Fog is for you? TIA
Barbara K

Hi Barbara,

For me it is forgetfulness, inattention to detail (mainly in verbal conversation), or a general feeling of being "underwater." If that makes sense. I find when I have sensory overload (like if more than one person is talking to me at the same time, which happens at work or if it is too loud or certain sounds) my brain wants to shut down and that is what I feel like is Fibro Fog. I also seem to have difficulty with rather simple tasks during these times. Anyway, interesting topic and I will look forward to seeing what others write. Luckily I don't experience this all that constantly, I may have it during the day but I try actively to take steps to first recognize it and then move to a space where I can clear my mind and be better. HUGS

ADD on super drive! I have both and have to laugh and tell lots of bad jokes on myself to get though it or go crazy.

For me, its this feeling of not knowing where I am or what I'm supposed to be doing. I feel lost and confused... kind of shell shocked.

Auburnm talked about this sensory overload, and I get that! Sometimes DRIVING is too much just because there are other people on the road and the lights change and people merge and brake...

I mostly just have this flat feeling... and watching Who Done It shows while letting my mind wonder around in the dark is the only thing I can do successfully - as long as successfully doesn't include knowing what the show I'm watching is about... then I fail.


I really notice it when it happens at work. I will be waiting on a customer & keying their info into our system and my mind will just go blank for a second or so but it seems like an eternity! Or, I’ll be talking to the customer after setting up his account and my mind just goes blank and it takes me a minute to find the right words to finish my statement! Somewhat embarrassing at times!

LOL, that is AWESOME!! I love it!


My fibro fog got better after I stop drinking Gabapetin and swithc to Lyrica. For me is like floating through clouds (my vision literally blurs) pretty scary at time specially when driving (although I’ve learn to float-drive…if that make sense) and it also means getting lost through long conversations, I just cant stay connected and sort of loose myself… I’ve gotten pretty good at nodding with big bright eyes to pretend I’m paying attention… Lol


ive got 2 children with disabilities and having to remember there appointments as well as my own is just a nightmare. whilst in a convo i could forget the simple words and its very frustrating.

Barbara, this is a great question because it seems very difficult for me to explain to another person what it feels like to me. I almost feel like I am wrapped in cotton (not regarding hearing) and move thinking can't keep up with my body. For instance I want to pick up something and it seems like slo-mo. My brain seems to be in slo-mo as well, forgetful, scattered, unfocused. I catch myself sometimes sitting and just staring thoughtlessly into the air. One thing that has helped me get focus back is reading, for whatever reason I can focus and concentrate when reading my books, maybe it's because I enjoy them so much. I can't focus on TV, regardless what show or movie.

Forgot to add loud noises, make me cringe when foggy.

I don't know if tis makes any sense to someone else reading this, Farida