Fibromyalgia and Mother Nature's Gift!

Hey ladies!!! So I'm wondering if anyone out there gets bad flare-ups during their time of the month? I get so tired and drained that I find myself lying in bed staring at the wall for hours but too tired to be productive! This is no good as a college student!!! Any advice on how you avoid this happening during your time? Thanks :)

HI somehearts! Welcome to the group! So good of you to post. I'm past the age and stage of the gift.

One thing I would like to share with you that I've learned is that during this time we usually crave chocolate more than any other time. Chocolate is high in magnesium, and very good for our muscles.

I'm a firm believer in everyone taking a good pharmaceutical grade vitamin.

Also let me invite you to join the Women's group, this subject may already be in that group. Just click on groups at the top of the page. You may get a better response if this is with women only!

Wishing you well,