Does anyone know a good fibro doctor in Brevard County, Florida? I have been seeing a GP who does a good job of helping manage my pain and diagnosed my fibromyalgia. He also was the first doctor I've seen in this state to prescribe something to manage, not just treat, my migraines. But his office is horrible to deal with; appointments typically take hours (four, five, six, even seven) to get through and because I am on a controlled pain killer I have to go there every month. I don't mind seeing him each month - the percocet helps - but I cannot keep spending 4-6 hours in his waiting room. Plus his nurses never give him messages.
Can anyone please help?! I have tried physical therapy, massage, etc. Don't want someone who will demand I do all that again. Tried that with many people for many years. It didn't work. It hurt. And I refuse to put my aching body through it again.