Just wondered if anyone else suffers with awful foot and lower ankle pain after wearing a pair of occasional shoes as appose to your regular daily shoes?
I wore a different pair yesterday, not high heeled, just for 2 hours and today my upper feet and the just below the outer malleolus (bony prominence to ankle area) is so tender and painful, the only thing I can put it down to is the different footwear for a while, it's happened before!
I'm very careful when buying shoes, go for comfort mainly these days but it seems a change from the norm, just for a while causes pain.
i gave up my heels a long time ago and pretty much live in very comfortable , supportive sneakers. I cant really wear any other shoes. My daughter bought me some sandals from 'easy spirit'/ they have the smallest wedge and even with those i an not comfortable and not only my feet and legs hurt but my whole body is affected. I wear them once and a blue moon like last week we went to a party and i wanted to look nice.even after a few hours in my comfy sneakers i cant wait to take them off. thats the way the cookie crumbles. lol
I stick with the comfy shoes all the time. I have tried to wear different shoes for just a couple of hours and have had the problem you have. I even stick to the same brand when I buy shoes. Do you think stepping of a curves or maybe slightly twisting it could have happened?
HI Lucy, I usually wear sneakers or shoes with a bit of a heel. Started basic Tai Chi last year and thought I would buy a pair of totally flat ballet slippers everyone had. They felt comfortable until I did one 2 hour session and the next morning I couldn’t walk on my left foot because the bottom hurt so much. It got a bit better, but every time I walked on it it got worse again took about 6 weeks of limping before It actually went away. What did help was rolling my feet on tennis balls and stretching them out in the morning before I did any walking. Trying Tai Chi again this year but won’t be wearing flat slippers again and will be wearing shoes with some support.
I can only think in my case it was the shoes. Did the shoes have good support? Were the heels at a different height than your regular shoes? Were they rubbing on your malleolus? Did you walk on uneven ground or on a hard surface longer than usual? There are so many bones and muscles in our feet it’s hard to figure out what’s happening.
Hope you figure this out … It seems like a lot of members have feet and ankle problems.