Has anyone else develop GERD with their Fibro

The reason I am asking is that my GERD was so bad it felt like a heartattack. At one point I had an attack with GERD at my doctors office and they actually called the ambulance because they said my heart ekg showed something was off. I stayed in the hospital for a day for them to tell me it was not my heart, which I knew.

I have done a lot of research on GERD and what I found (I am not a doctor or nurse) was that GERD was caused by not enough acid in the stomach. It also can be caused by the "flap" at the bottom of your esphocast(sp?) not closing. Anyway, I started drinking a coke a day and it seem to disappear for the most part. Just thought I would pass this on. I know everyone is different and it does say caffeine can be a problem with GERD but I just thought I would try something different and it helped me.

My point to this is to try different things, what works for some may or may not work for you but you never know until you try.

after a few bad episodes one landing me in the er and the other with the Gi doc I was diagnosed with mild esophagitis and hiatal hernia . I take prilosec in the morning and zantac in the evening. I have changed my eating habits . No coffee, chocolate, no fried foods, no spicy foods , tomatoes, etc. Dont think i am not enjoying foods. I just changed and exchanged things. I eat as healthy as possibe and i love produce foods very much so it is not difficult for me to change things around. I stay away from processed and packaged foods. I would rather avoid things that will harm me with me landing in the hospital and have all that unpleasant experience with invasive tests..

all the best to you .and much love your way
