Having a bad day today

Hi I’m having a very bad day today well really the past 4 days things dont seem to be calming down and just getting worse each day and I’m finding it hard to cope pain meds dont seem to work when it gets to this stage and it ends up being a constant battle between pain and comfort if anyone has any ideas on how to relief any of this discomfort it would be much appreciated thanks

I know that this sounds very strange but on my worst days the most comforting thing to me is to play some music light some candles and to take a bath. it is calming and relaxes the muscles. I always feel at least 50% better after a nice long bath. I know its a little girlie but it helps me!!

Thanks for the tip its a bit hard to do that kind of thing during the day because I have 2 children so the only time I would be able is at night but thank you for the tip I will defo try that tonight

Hello James, welcome to the group! I am not very familiar with navigating health care in the UK, but hopefully your Doctors are working with you to 'break the pain cycle'. We have a group fibro in the UK, that may be some help in connecting with those in your area for recommendations.


I certainly hope you can soon get some relief.

Wishing you well,


Every time I go to the doctors they always say there is nothing else they can do just dont think they understand so im going to change my doctor to someone who knows a bit more and can help more

I think that is a very good idea, when they tell you that, it's time to move on and continue the search for 'your Doctor', the one who can take you through it all!

Oh, I'm sorry to hear this, James! I know how awful it is when bad flares strike. And I stock up on and use tons of an over-the-counter product called SalonPas. It comes in small patches and is quite soothing and helps to ease my pain. Mind you, I use bunches of them on my painful areas.

Ice also helps me. Heat doesn't do it for me but ice does. I have several ice locks in the fridge just waiting for me.

Have you tried Epsom salts in a bath? Some folks swear by them in regards to pain relief.

Cortisone shots have helped the awful pain in my knees. And I got radio ablation (burning the nerves) done to some of the nerves in my back and it's helped. But I have osteo there as well and he gave it to me to help with that pain (I think the osteo pain was worsened by my fibro.)

Rest is another pain reducer for me, in that if I'm tired, I feel more pain. You could try to rest more and see if it helps at all.

I hope you get some relief, James! Maybe one of the tips offered on here will help you get over the flare's hump.

Gentle hugs,


Oops, just saw that you're in GB. I don't know if SalonPas is available in GB or not. I hope so!