Horrible pain day

So today is another highly painful day. Its only about 10:30 where I live and already I feel like I need to be snowed with my meds to get on top of this horrid, horrid fibro pain. This is such a vicious cycle. I hate taking anything really, but thanks to the fibro that is pretty much next to impossible.

Sorry all, I just need to complain a little, I'm feeling pretty alone in my pain today.

I am feeling the same way today....The pain is off those friggen doctors charts; of course when is my pain ever on those charts...Today I'm on my bed again with two heating pads; rocking (soothes me been doing that since a kid), already took my meds and of course they can never give you something for the days of hell....why can't they give you a special bottle for these days. I would love to take one heavy duty pain pill just so I could not feel any pain for about 3 hours...I do hate taking pills but the alternative is not pretty....I'm just to find humor in something today; laughter breaks the funking mood....So yes I can relate to you..I am having a fibrolicious day...lol Oh and that rocking I have been doing since a kid; it's probably been restless leg syndrom...lol just think it's soothe me to shake my legs more and rock...lol

Sending an Angel your way to soothe your soul...Sissy

I've been having a extra pain-filled week. We've had storms on the east coast, so I blamed it on the weather, but today is beautiful and I feel even worse. I've been trying to sleep in order to avoid it, but then I feel like I'm sleeping my life away.

I agree with Sissy, I want a magic pill just for days like today!

Hi all, I’m sorry you’re all having such a bad day today. I’m having a " I can survive this day " thanks to the sunshine that’s peeking out. I find it interesting that I’m not the only one that rocks when I hurt, mind you I also pace, don’t know what it is but it makes me feel better mentally. If you find that magic pill please share.

I’m hoping that you all have a good night and get some sleep, wishing you a much better tomorrow.

Hi Ahava,

You're not alone. We're here for you. I'm sorry that your pain level is so high. There are just those days where all we can do is lie down and stay perfectly still, praying for a pain-free moment. They're terrible and it stinks to feel all of that pain and not be able to find a way to relieve it. And some days the pain seems so horribly persistent. It just won't leave you alone! For me, I find the muscle pain even worse than the joint pain because my entire body aches with the muscle pain. And there's little you can do to relieve your entire body of pain.

So vent away, vent. It truly does help to let it out. I know I feel less stressed once I'm done. Maybe you might even manage to reduce your pain level if you get enough of your stress unloaded. Hey, it's worth a try!

Works off calories, too, Sissy, if that helps you to feel any better about the rocking. Personally, to me, the rocking sounds like a great idea!

I swear your description reminds me so much of the days when I had horrific menstral cycles. Is it possible that you might be coming down with your friend?

Well, whatever the reason, I do hope you're feeling better today, Sissy.

Same here, Renie, but if you check the weather charts, you may find another storm coming your way. My shins were starting to burn in that special way they have when they want to give out on me while being on fire, and I took a look at the next few days' forecasts - rain. And thundershowers. So your pain may be in anticipation of the storm.

Hi Ahava,

I feel for you sister, I've been in a pain cycle too, and mine is all weather and remodeling stress related! You're not alone, but I actually prefer to be alone when I don't feel good. I have fought taking pain meds for so long, and have finally had to cave in and almost take them as the Doctor prescribed, which is round the clock! I won't drive while taking them though.

I hope you can find some relief, hope you have a good Doctor, it certainly does help!

Wishing you well,


Thanks SK, I definitely relate. I'm sorry everyone has been having such terrible pain. Two cups of coffee this morning to try and wake me up, didn't even scratch the dang surface. I feel like a zombie, literally went up the stairs on my hands and knees I felt so weak (sounds pathetic, huh?), and crawled back into bed. Now having stabbing and fluctuating nerve pain through my back and legs. Weee! Hoping this passes soon, already took a soma and really don't want to have to take anything else but I always have to decide if the trade off is worth it.

I am glad I am not the only one who rocks back and forth, sometimes I feel a little odd but its soothing somehow. I also relate to not wanting to be around other people when I'm in pain. Maybe thats the body's natural defense with pain, to get away from noise and possible irritants to avoid making the pain worse.

Hoping everyone is having a better day today, its going to be 103 degrees outside where I live. Maybe today would be a good day to get some Vitamin D haha!

Prayers and blessings!

So sorry your having a bad day but know your not alone an we all understand as for myself today is a really bad day for also it’s raining out which makes it soo much worse but keep your head up an remember we are here to listen to each other an help each other so never be sorry about complaining especially when you feel all alone hugs Melissa

SK I hope you feel better thinking about you hugs melissa

I know exactly how you feel. I was in a lot of pain over the weekend and still been today. I have no energy whatsoever. I don’t know what’s worse, the pain or the tiredness!!! Just wish my hubby understood. He just seems to think I can carry on as normal. I’m still working and by the time I get home and made dinner, done the chores, im fit for nothing :frowning: