I’m looking for possitive place to read and chat about fibro since I’ve been trying my best to stay off meds reguardless of how painful , severe fatigue, depression, panics/ HVS , brain fog, sensory dysfuctions that I feels every single day trying to get by one day at the time with just eating healthy , and adding just supplements like a bandaids to my leaky guts problem.
I hope this is the place for this. I have tried almost all of the things so far that suppose to help but still holding by a string couldn’t get much of breaks these days.
Some place seem to have ideal of what’s considering good and bad it’s hard to understand why trying to find help with low budget is so unacceptable . Or god forbid if I ever try to put my self in their shoes are often backfired . Maybe I’m really broken as a human being.
I’m stuck in the loop of depression , trying to understand is getting harder and harder everyday. Worries that I might do something wrong , constantly apologizing. Trying not to think about it, trying to run away from thinking about it.
Not sure if I’m making any sense. I lost every things that I holded dear or ever own thanks to fibro. I’m getting used to the idea of being unwanted.
I’m very sorry if I sounding so sad, I’ll try better to smile and be happy. But I think I starting to forget how.
I can relate to how you feel. I don’t have any good answers. Like you I feel like I’ve tried everything.
Don’t apologize, you haven’t done anything wrong, just gotten a terrible disease. I’m sorry you feel unwanted. Do you have anyone in your life? I hope so. I know it’s so hard to remember how to be happy. I try to at least accept what I have, but even that is hard lately.
Know that I care about how you feel. I hope you find some happiness.
Thank you so much for being so kind. Your caring words feel like a life savior for me. I know I’m trying to be happy with what’ve got left no matter how pathetic I feels.
I have one person left to hold on to in my life and being a heavy burden to that person watching that person going down along with me breaks my heart. Fear of losing that everyday not helping either. It’s a loop that kept looping.( emotion attacks then pains attacks and so on) I have to shake me out of the panic all the time or else it hits like a heart attacks .
If I may ask, Is there a quick tricks natural way that you like to use to shake off the heavy physical Anxiety Panic attacks? I use mostly cold blast temperature to shock me out of it cause heat usually suffocating me during panic. But the drawbacks is my terrible circulation .Shaking it off for real is quite painful especially during winter. Of course the degree of cold depending on how bad it is, since times hardly ever on my side.
Hi.it must be terrible to have panic attacks. I’ve never had one, but I looked on the internet for natural ways to deal with them and there were a lot of suggestions you could maybe try.
I’m glad you have a good friend. Let that person know how much they mean to you, and thank them for what they’ve done for you. Why do you feel you’re a burden to them and that they’re going down with you? Ask them, maybe they don’t feel that way.
Let me know how things go for you. I care what happens to you and wish you well. In friendship, Mardi
Please don’t despair at your condition. I’ve been going through a tough time too (newly diagnosed in August and symptoms getting worse). I do have a suguesting for the panic attacks and it really worked for me (I was having panic attacks for 20 years).
You should learn some of the mindfulness or yogic breathing techniques. You can look them up online and there are different ones to suit. You need to practice them when you feel well…trying for the first time in the middle of an attack is not going to work. The science behind it is that the change to breathing pattern from hyperventilation to measured breathing instantly changes the body from fight/flight to relaxed. Your body will cease to pump out adrenalin and cortisol (stress hormones). Please, please try to learn a technique that suits you and once you train into it (just minutes per day) you can then apply it when you feel an attack building and it will stop it in its tracks.
I really hope you get some relief from the anxiety as I know how debilitating and lonely it feels.
I totally agreeing with you on the importance of breathing control technique. I do a lot of breathing exercises everyday just for it. Now if only I could remember to do it all the time when it’s happening. Fibro fog always blocking the self help thoughts process when needed the most. Like I know exactly what I suppose to do to get out of this, but what was it again? oh no… more panicking!
The problem with my panic/HVS is that I hyperventilating even during sleep. I get sleep anxiety , sleep panic so often I even got scared of sleeping in the bed for a few years since most of the time it’s often accompany by sleep paralysis . The worse nightmare ever! so much so I prefer recliner or lounge chair position till these days. At some point I was sleeping with a face mask on every night to keep me from over breathing oxygen with a few drop of pepper mint oil or menthol.