Hitting THE wall

Tonight my wife and I went for a walk after dinner. I am very capable of walking 5 to 6 miles from time to time but tonight I didn’t get any further than a block, feeling excellent, when suddenly I felt horrible, weak and unable to continue. I HIT THE WALL, and struggled back home. The first time this happened to me we had walked 2.3 miles down a mountain to a waterfall and I did well all the way down. We ate lunch and took photos there. Then after a rest we started back up the mountain when I quickly “Hit the wall”. It took forever and every effort I had but I made it back to the car. Is this a common thing with fibromyalgia and if so then what are some things others do to handle such situations? I recently discovered Tramadol but it takes about a hour to take effect and I need twice the recommended dose which the doctor says may cause me to stop breathing. And it doesn’t always work. Also, it is addicting and must be used sparingly; according to my doctor, only when I am unable to function.

I’m sorry to hear you are experiencing this. The never knowing from minute to minute when the extreme exhaustion will hit is frustrating and makes life difficult to plan sometimes. I struggle with this kind of extremes myself. I do believe that for some this is a very normal part of dealing with this illness. I try to plan “a way out” so to speak before starting a strenuous task. Perhaps a portable wheel chair at hand or arrangements for a ride if available would help. Best wishes for being creative w a solution for this.

When it happened to me once, I just sat and did a pranayama breathing exercise called kapalbhati for 5-10 minutes and I was hit with enough energy to get through the day. Another time I tried it didn’t work as effectively. So I guess it’s a hit and miss…worth a try though. there are many videos on youtube that show the exercise. Only condition is that you shouldn’t do it on a full stomach.

Oh my gosh! I use that exact phrase to my husband when I suddenly run out of energy. I tell him how I was doing something but then I “hit the wall.” I have talked to him about a wheelchair because I know the day will come when I will miss an important event because I just cannot walk any great distance. He doesn’t want to see me in a wheelchair. It is hard for spouses to accept our disability sometimes. Since I don’t LOOK ill, and I try not to complain, he forgets the extent of the pain that I am in day to day. I think a wheelchair is a great idea and I hope that your wife is understanding of this need. God Bless You.


My wife is quite understanding but it is funny. You see, she is on a diet that initially gave her a lot of energy but now once she gets out of bed she wants to crawl right back in and is tired all day to the point that she is now taking naps when I do. Now she “Really Understands”. Until you stand in anothers shoes you can’t fully comprehend.

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Yes, I’m the wife that doesn’t want the w/c either. I sort of changed my mind when I went and visited a friend from High School I hadn’t seen in a long while I’m 67 and she was using a scooter for her arthritis, here I was huffing along after her trying to keep up thank goodness I had the presence of mind to listen to my husband’s insistence to bring my walker or I’d never made it. I rarely use it out, but to at home when my feet act up and walking is very difficult. I’m not sure if it’s the fibro or arthritis in them I’ve been told both. Nasids have caused kidney damage so that is out for the arthritis so I rely on Lyrica and Cymbalta for the help. Be careful with the Tramadol it can also affect the kidneys…I did take it not routinely took 100mg not the prescribed 50mg to get any help the doctor knew about it and ok’d it but not often. Finally decided it didn’t make that much difference than Excedrin . Now I’m thinking about touring Washington D.C. via scooter or w/c or maybe a walker with a seat.
At lest, now I’m not ruling it out completely.

Hi! I have been hitting the wall so often in my 30+ years with this condition, that I am surprised it is still standing. I have a sweet and loving dog named Sparky. On a good day, we can wlak the soles off our shoes; so often now, one of us cries “foul”. It’s hard to keep going when you hurt. Yes, one minute fine; the next minute barely able to get home. Sparky, by the way, has a leaky mitral valve. I always carry my phone in case I need to get help home for one of us. I keep trying. The doctors seemed truly baffled by this syndrome, but I am finding less hostility towards me and the diagnosis. Maybe, not in my lifetime, but i am sure they will figure it out,

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